Unrecognized Tikler could become antisocial – Kayseri


Pedagogical Assistant Şaban Karayağız says that tics, ignored in childhood and ignored, can lead to socialization in later ages.

Tics defined as movements and voices that seem unintentional, sudden, repetitive and look like normal behavior stating that it has emerged as the result of inability to cope. Karayağız, teaching assistant: "Children with tics persist in isolation from the social environment over time and feel lonely.

appears between the ages of 3 and 10.

Karayağız, who stated that genetic susceptibility, hormonal factors, social learning and stressors are found under tics


"For older children, factors such as stress related to exams and social anxiety during the education period can also cause this problem.In fact, an additional factor such as the combination of one or more of the factors and the last drop of pooling triggers tic disorders.Children with persistent tears are abstracted from the social environment over time.

The system of undue punishment increases level

Due to the fact that much of the tics seen in children disappeared spontaneously, Karayagiz was punished with bad punishments by parents

medical treatments for tic disorders and therapies to be performed by specialists would be beneficial. "If the stressor at the root of this problem is determined, the psychotherapy to be performed with individual interviews is effective.May is.It helps to relieve the support and interest given to it. If the need is perceived, this problem can often be overcome with group therapies in which the family intervenes: even if it is 5 to 10%, some adolescents have disorders. The younger the problem, the higher the success rate of treatment.It is absolutely necessary to ask a psychiatric clinic if tick disorders are in a situation that will affect the social status, school and psychological of the child. "

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