Emel Sayın gave a public concert in front of 5,000 people at the Bursa Open-Air Culturepark the night before. Sayın, who was excited by Bursalılar's songs, was also interested in his clothes. The artist, who was on stage for two hours, said that he could not enter the studio for a new album due to the intensity of the concert. Sayın, who is one of the most important names of Turkish art music on stage and who died in 2015, said: "Müzeyyen Hanım would have started her 100th birthday on July 16 if she was alive . He is a great artist and will never be forgotten. After 100 years, he will talk about his name. I want to commemorate him here tonight with the song "I do not like anyone", and he sang the song. & # 39; Sanat Güneşi & # 39; Zeki Müren & # 39; i also in his hometown, the artist said: "Now, I left. (19659002)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callmethod?
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