![Xiaomi Mi A2](https://www.log.com.tr/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/merak-edilen-xiaomi-mi-a2-ile-cekilmis-ilk-fotograf-yayimlandi-1.jpg)
Xiaomi nin Android A smartphone based Mid A1 will take its place Mid A2, coming soon .
Xiaomi Mi A2 recorded on several official channels is one of the most curious phones. Features The phone, which draws attention with the Android One infrastructure is built directly on Mi 6X . The first picture taken with the phone shows that you should not enter a very big anticipation on the camera . seems to have not kept the details although it gives a natural balance between shadows and bright areas. Despite the relatively bright shooting conditions the phone that makes the game serious, still gives the impression that it will not disappoint when it will be evaluated. Just like we said, you should not be too high. Technically The phone comes with a Snapdragon 660 processor and 4GB RAM with three different color options: black, blue and gold. 5.99 inches The Mi A2 built on a screen of 2160 × 1080 pixels houses the dual camera system 12 + 20 megapixels with the first sample behind him . In front of the phone a camera of 20 megapixels welcomes us.
Xiaomi Mi A2 "width =" 660 "height =" 494 "/>
The selling price of Xiaomi Mi A2 also became clear
It has already been revealed that the camera 3.010 mAh As far as we can see the phone will have a price tag of $ 290 for storage of 32GB .The 64GB version of the model will have $ 330 and the 128GB version will take place on the shelf at $ 370 .
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