Super Lotto results revealed … Results of the Super Lotto July 5th


The results of Super Lotto, which was held in Ankara by the National Lottery Administration, were announced this week. Super Lotto, which opened the door of hope to millions of citizens every week, handed out week 7 of our week. Super Loto's da who reached TL 15 million this week was a subject of curiosity to win the big winner. Here is the results page of the Super Lotto of July 5th.

2, 6, 8, 25, 31, 44

<img src = "×0/57bbf91967b0a930747c6900.jpg" data-src = "//×0/5b3e6112537a00194cb9b18a" alt = "Super Lotto results revealed … The big bonus has exceeded 15 million [19659004]

Super Lotto draw of the last week, 6th did not know the 6th time, 15 million 211 thousand 453 pounds 71 ​​kuruş transferred.

According to the statement made by the Directorate General of the National Lottery, 5 people 98 people 9 thousand 158 pounds 30

In the draw, 3 million 525 thousand 923 pounds 90 kuruş jackpot was distributed.In drawing, 3 million 525 thousand 923 lire 90 cents bonus were distributed.

Haşatattan, KDV 2 million 544 thousand 894 pounds 92 cents, Chance Games Tax as 1 million 424 thousand 617 pounds 31 kuruş transferred publicly

Click here for the results of SUPER.LOTO



The draw is a game of chance based on the correct guessing of numbers 6, 5, 4 and 3 at determine by plotting the set of numbers 1-54 of the participants.

the number of credits to be attributed.

Provided that the payment of travel is under the authority of the authorities and that the agencies designated by the Administration are responsible.

Payment periods for travel, brides and branches are determined by the administration.

No bonuses are paid for fake, distorted, ripped, clocked, canceled tickets that are not accepted by the system.

As long as there is no big jackpot in the Super Lotto game, it will be the other week.

Winner of Super Lotto Lotteries bonuses for winners will be paid by Lotto or MPI franchisees,
(6) for bonuses, [3] and [4] bonuses, bonuses for Lotto dealers

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