"Pay attention to 5 mistakes made in food"


Dietist Ceysi Kazado, who says that it is possible to get rid of excessive hunger, is able to eat modestly and in a balanced way: "Mideyi can cause a lot of health problems by thinking fast enough to losing weight."

The dietitian Ceysi Kazado from Kadıköy Hospital paid attention to 5 mistakes made during the diet.

Kazado dietitian who said that skipping meals is the most harmful action during weight loss, "Do not starve your body. not only observe muscle and water loss during long-term hunger, and this is not a desired result.Metabolism hunger is not like stomach hunger, so we have to to be fed little and often so that the metabolism functions well.


Kazado, which reminds us that light products are also caloric, is a must. , "Light products are less caloric than other foods, but consume quantities without paying attention And unfortunately, if we consume light products, never examine its contents is actually one of the biggest mistakes we have made. Because light is true sugar, most packaged products are present.

Kazado, who said that the list of diets will change according to the health status of the person, says: "Size, weight, weight, l '; age, dietary habits, economic level, the level of movement varies. In addition, the dietary list must be updated according to the individual, that is to say "follow-up". Unfortunately, dietary listings given in many places like the internet are programs with serious energy, vitamins and mineral restrictions. Many people who are exposed to these diets that cause various problems in the metabolism are able to lose weight, but they lose weight too much because they lose weight. Do not forget that the diet is specific to the person.


Kazado says that tea and cup of tea suck water into the body, "Water consumption in quantity necessary prevents the formation of edema in the body.Gastretic enzymes do not consume enough water to function, slowing down both the digestive system and metabolism.The daily water consumption is low, consumption of tea or coffee is high, the body is dehydrated, metabolism slows down and bloating is the cause of payment.

Kazado, who claims that his body needs carbohydrates, oil and protein, says, "Any of these ingredients can be used to get rid of carbohydrates.consuming one would not be good for us to go for a single type of nutrition.And contrary to what we thought, the p Ain is the best source of quality carbohydrates for us. Do not remove the bread from your list of nutritionists in the portions served by your dietitian. Of course, we should be careful that these breads are not white flour. "

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