When President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gave a mandate to the Ministry of Health after a letter written by a cancer patient, Eyüp Silver said, "Cancer does not will not cost a penny of the patient's pocket. "Free Cancer Surgery Request" started today. The work of the Ministry of Health has been adopted through the Communiqué on the Health Practices of Social Security Institutions. Undersecretary professor evaluating the new practice.
In any cancer private hospitals, under the name of cancer, the patient will not receive any difference Under-Secretary Gümüş said that he will not be able to remove the patient: "We will give a stop penalty to the patient who has made a difference in the cancer surgeon". Thus, in private hospitals contracted with SGK, in addition to intensive care, chemotherapy, organ transplantation, cancer surgery and cancer surgery have become free. "We have increased salaries in private hospitals by 200 percent because of the cost of surgery for private hospitals, so the government will pay the private sector cost on its fair share and not pay a single penny to the patient. "
Sarıeroğlu, the Minister of Labor and Social Security, said in a statement that he had kept the promise he had made to citizens before the June 24 elections: "There will be no difference in private hospitals. While we were paying 240 million TL per month, we were going to get 750 million TL with the new arrangement. "Minister Sarıeroğlu also recalled that there has been no change in state-determined health care costs since 2008.
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