Canan Karatay explained that foods that prolong the length and make it short


During puberty, it is the biggest problem of children and parents. Some children play basketball to get in the way of their children, and some are recaptured with food that they know by heart. Do you know which foods have good neck extension?

Canan Karatay pointed out that protein intake is very important to be great, and he explained the shortening of the food track. Besides these, he has talked a lot about sugar loss. Dr.

To Be Tall: Canan Karatay said that if you want to extend your heights into the developmental era, you should consume a lot of protein. Canan Karatay says, "You will reduce your carbohydrates in adolescence and at the age of development." "You will eat fat and protein for your neck "

Recommendation to be weak and fit : Karatay, who advocates that poor nutrition leads to diabetes, says that this disease is the leading cause of cancer. At the same time, there are some suggestions for those who want to be cleansed from their Karatay homes: "Yaza was not a deception.You must be fit for life, you must eat healthy. a wholesome Karatay breakfast, you will naturally fit in. In your belly, you go to the fat in your liver.

Who is the wife and son of Canan Karatay? What is the Karatay diet? ?

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