Retreat 196 additional lire hiking


SSK, Bağ-Kur retreats learned about July wage increases due to January-June 2018 inflation. SSK and Bağ-Kur pension benefits were announced at 9.17 percent higher that inflation to six months in July. Retirees also receive an additional payment each month with their salary. The additional payment is 4% or 5% of salary. Payments of more than 18 thousand lire are paid 5 percent, and wages above 4 percent. With the July increase, additional payments for pensions also increased.

5 thousand lire

The highest SSK, Bağ-Kur pension salary with additional payment of 4 thousand 660 lire and 51 cents in June, the additional salary of the Bağ-Kur pension in July with 5 thousand 87 pounds went to 87 Kurush. The total salary for this job was 42 cents to 427 pounds. 9.17 percent in July with a net salary of 4 thousand 892 liras increased to 19 kuruşa pension, 4 percent of the 195-pound wage rate in addition to the additional payment is given. With this increase, the highest SSK, the salary of the Bag-Kur retreat witnessed for the first time more than 5 thousand lire. The highest SSK added to the salary of the Bağ-Kur pension in June was 179 pounds and 25 kuruş. Pensioners' salary increases are done at their bare salaries. 4% or 5% of the salary paid to the net salary increase

2018 GAIN 15.38

The increase in salaries paid to the wages of about 15 million workers and civil servants is became clear in July. The total increase in the SSK, Bağ-Kur, retired officials and civil servants, which took two increases in January and July, helped to overcome inflation. While the inflation rate from January to June was 9.17%, the cumulative increase in January and July of SSK and Bağ-Kur was 15.38. The two-month cumulative salary for civil servants and civil servants was 14.83%. Thus, both retirees and public servants report the first six months of inflation. Basic wages have also increased with increases and there are no pensions below 1000 lire.

● In January 2018, the salary increases by 5.69%: 1,056.90 pounds,
● 9.17% increase in salary in July 2018: 1,153.81 lire
● The increase in salary was thus achieved at 15.38%
● The inflation of the first 6 months was announced as 9.17%.

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