Who is the famous actress Ferdi Merter? Which series played Ferdi Merter?


Ferdi Merter continues to draw attention to his series and film projects throughout his acting career. The actor, who plays an important role in State Theaters, has worked as artistic director in the theaters of Adana and Ankara. Merter brings characters to life in such important series as Bitter Life, Rent Love, Wolves Valley Ambush, and has given effort to many plays. Here are the details of the curiosity about Ferdi Merter …

Ferdi Merter, Ferdi Merter Fosforoğlu was born in Istanbul on June 19, 1939. He appeared in 1940 in the film Tosun Pacha in front of the camera, and in the years following, he appeared as a child and a young actor in 20 films. In 1945 he started playing Yeşilçam as a comedian. She took it to Ferdi Tayfur, a private dubbing teacher. Ferdi Merter is a theater, film and series actor, author, director, voice doubler.

Until 1958, he continued to work in cinema and theater in Istanbul. He entered the conservatory in 1959 and graduated from the State Conservatory of Ankara in 1962, after Italian high school. After his military service in Sivas in 1963, he married his wife, Cansın Hanım, still married in 1965.
Between 1962 and 2004, he worked as a director, member of the Literary Council, member of the Discipline Committee, Director General of theaters of Ankara and Adana. made an artistic director, he worked at Ankara art Theater.

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Turkey game writers and translators management Merten is working on the installation, as well as theater writers is president of the Association, dubbing did the job and a variety of films and TV series

"Ferdi Merter Art Academy" and Çığır Sahne with his daughter Almula Merter in 2004. Five books by Ferdi Merter, published in the field of cinematography and screenwriting, are published. Ferdi Merter is the son of the character Yeşilçam Renan Fosforoğlu and is the brother of the theater and film artist Enis Fosforoğlu


Rental Love -2015 – Hulusi Yarplikçi [19459004
Captain – 2007
Bitter Life – 2005-2007 – Sefa Kervancioglu
Incoming Wow Leader 2,5 – 2014
Kolpaçino: Bomb – 2011
The Ambition of the Valley of the Wolves – 2011-2014 – 1983
The Devil – 1974
Tourist on the Omer Space Route – 1973
Separated from the City of Istanbul – 1998 – Recep Peker
Kurtuluş – 1996 – Petros Protopapadakis
Established / Osmancik – 1987 The Worlds – 1969
Victims of the Passion – 1966
Asi Son – 1958
Victims of the Passion – 1953

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