How old was Selçuk? Ministry Minister Ziya Selçuk mu, took part in the new cabinet? – Ahaber


Who is Ziya Selcuk, one of the names mentioned for the new cabinet, especially for the Ministry of National Education? How old was Selçuk from where? After the arrival of the presidential system and the formalization of the new system, the eyes were transformed into a new cabinet to build. What names will be on the new firm? Ziya Selcuk was one of the names expected on board. Who is Ziya Selcuk among the candidates of the Minister of National Education? How old is Selçuk? Ziya Selcuk is the former President of the Board of Education of the Ministry of National Education. Ziya Selcuk also writes books on the theory of multiple intelligence

The breaths are maintained and the eyes are transformed into a new cabin. Someone in the new frame is looking for an answer to the question. Who should be one of the new ministers Ziya Selçuk? The name of Ziya Selcuk goes to the Ministry of National Education. Who is Ziya Selcuk among the candidates of the Minister of National Education? How old is Selçuk? Ziya Selcuk is the former President of the Board of Education of the Ministry of National Education. Ziya Selcuk also writes books on the theory of multiple intelligences. The organizational structure of the Ministry of National Education has been modified by various legal provisions. Legislative Decree No. 652 on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of National Education entered into force on September 14, 2011.


Ziya Selcuk, Ministry of Education. National Education The Education Council is the former president. In addition, Ziya Selcuk was also lecturer at the Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi University of Gazi University, main branch of the class of teachers.

Ziya Selçuk was born on March 21, 2003 the Ministry of Education came to the Rights Education Council and resigned on May 8, 2008.

What is the presidential system?

become the head of Turkey's President of the new management model implementation. Erdogan will determine himself 2 or 3 assistants. In addition to the Council of Ministers, 8 Presidencies and 4 Presidential Offices will be attached to the Presidency.

What are the names and functions of the office of the presidential office: In the new system, there will be four offices directly related to the president, who will carry out activities related to all ministries. These offices are: the finance office, the human resources office, the digital transformation office and the investment office. The functions of these offices are as follows: The investment office will be supported by significant investments and the investor front will be open. Istanbul Project World Financial Center will be realized with the Office of Finance and Turkey will become an attraction center. With the Digital Transformation Office, the state will become digital and the documents will decrease. Big and artificial data analysis will be administrative burdens with intelligence applications, the bureaucracy will be reduced and the state will be accelerated

Digital conversion business: … the will of Turkey to conquer the power in the field of IT security of human resources

will be provided to the discovery of talents with the Office and will increase public performance [Inthenewmodelofadministrationthe8presidenciesoftheChairmanoftheBoardofDirectorsarethefollowing:StateSecurityCouncilNationalSecurityCouncilNationalDirectorofEducation(MIT)PresidentshipofthePresidencecompanyoftheDefenseFinancialpresidencyandBudgetSocialSocietiesLenomdel&###############################################################################################################################################################################TheNationalTeachingOrganization(MIT)inthenewsystemwas"NationalTeachingPresidium"

Advice of the Government System of the Presidency: The nine Councils which will be formed by the system of government The President will make policy recommendations and develop strategic and long-term visions of science for health and food policies. These tips will be directly related to Erdogan. The councils are: Government Policy Council, Social Policy Council, Cultural and Artistic Policy Commission, Cultural Policy Council, Foreign Policy and Security Council, Economic Policy Council, Education and Policy Policy Council. Training, Science and Technology Policies

Consolidated Ministries and New Names: The number of ministries has been reduced from 26 to 16 by combining the system of presidential government with some ministries. Under the new structure, the names of some departments have changed. The merged ministries and the new names are as follows:

The Ministry of Family and Social Policy and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security are united. New name: Ministry of Social Services and Family

The Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology and the Ministry of Development were united. New name: "Ministry of Industry and Technology"
Ministry of Customs and Trade merged with the Ministry of Economy New name: "Ministry of Commerce"
The Ministry of Commerce Food, Agriculture and Livestock and the Ministry of
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the European Union unified the new name: "Ministry of Foreign Affairs foreign "
became the new" Ministry of Treasury and Finance "of the Ministry of Finance. While the number of related ministries in the field of the economy is decreasing to 3, the Deputy Treasury Secretariat affiliated with the Deputy Prime Minister has moved under the roof of the Ministry of Finance into the new structure. The names of the ministries of the new system are as follows: Ministry of Justice, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Energy and Resources Natural (19459005). "Ministry of the Environment and Urban Planning, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Treasury and Ministry of Finance.

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