Living on the Internet for the necessities!



There are hundreds of classified ads on the GOOGLE search engine like & # 39; For Sale kidney & # 39; or " Looking for kidney ", and the reason is also shown as material impossibilities and debt.

and the last remedy of those who can not overcome is to abandon the only kidney or part of the liver.


It is possible to find kidney sellers who sell their kidneys by selling their e-mail addresses and their telephones accessible via the Internet.

19659003] 17 YEARS CHILDREN [19459007ont]

have been complied with legislation and transplants of full legislative bodies, especially the kidney hospital in Turkey to apply.

I sell my kidneys on social networks via Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, but because of lack of organ donations, especially those who need kidney transplant and of money problems,

Those who want to sell kidneys on the Internet by removing brokers will change the price between 20 thousand and 100 thousand lire. The most notable year of the increase is 2017. There are also 17-year-old children among the advertisers.


About sellers, buyers or middlemen selling their organism, it is said that many people want to sell their kidneys .

The person who wants to give the price of a kidney on the internet is called in the health centers of Istanbul or Ankara to do blood and tissue tests. Accommodation and travel expenses are paid.

Experts argue that kidneys are prohibited by law and are prohibited by criminal law.

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