If you have these symptoms during pregnancy …


Prof. Dr. In fact Incandescent Poppy usually the doctors said that the baby should be limited in the control of the first three months of the completion of the drug consumption of organ development>

allergy and d & # 39; Immunology Society of Turkey (AID) Member of the Board Prof. Dr. Aslı Akkor Gelincik noted that allergic diseases such as allergic rhinitis, asthma, rashes, food, allergy to insects and drugs can be observed in the candidate mothers during the period babies.

According to the AA report; Gelincik, which has expressed a particular genetic susceptibility to allergic diseases and which is defined as "atopic" in medical language, may experience various allergic sensitization reactions during pregnancy, emphasizing that this disease can be controlled by proper diagnosis and treatment

. "Asthma observed with shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing may increase especially after the night of the last pregnancy, and allergic diseases during pregnancy may be mixed with other clinical situations, such as the speed of circulation. increased during pregnancy and vasomotor rhinitis, it can mimic the symptoms of the flu and again it can be confused with itching during pregnancy. "


Gelincik said that there are three basic ways in the treatment of allergic diseases, said that it is a vaccination treatment called protection, pharmacotherapy and immunotherapy

Prof. Dr. The poppy says that protection is based on the principle of avoiding allergens and irritants that cause the main indication: " For example, a certain food or related itch can be considered a condition in which a patient with redness does not consume it or use it. Other examples are the use of masks during household cleaning, washing bed materials in a high-level machine and the removal of textile products retaining dust from the house. For s & # 39; s To ensure that precautions are properly taken, allergy sufferers are exposed to allergies and exposed to various methods. "

It is important to know which allergens are likely to contract the person before pregnancy, and which medications can cause allergy symptoms at risk during pregnancy" Skin tests and allergy diagnostic tests should not not to be done considering mothers and babies. "

" Antihypertensive Therapy Suggests "

The antihistamine and cortisone drugs that control the symptoms of allergic diseases are the main drug therapy

Gelincik pointed out that 39, drug use should be taken into account during pregnancy. "During the first three months of the developmental completion of the baby's organs, the use of the drug should be restricted to the control of doctors. drugs used in the treatment of allergic diseases should be replaced by safe alternatives called 'categ During this period, certain antihistamines, leukotriene receptor antagonists, inhaled steroids and bronchodilators may be safely used in this category.

Gelincik, particularly candidate mothers with asthma, said the frequency of their illness depended on the severity of their illness.

Gelincik stated that the vaccine treatment is a long-lasting treatment aimed at improving the reactivity of respiratory allergies and allergies to allergens sensitive to allergen applied to the treatment of insect allergy. "Gelincik says that immunization treatment should not be started during pregnancy,

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