Speaking to the interview, Albayrak said that they will spend a lot of work to bring down the single-digit inflation and that they will be consistent with the economy of market, giving the following messages:
– In terms of financial and budgetary discipline, we will set the example for the world and a strong and dynamic monetary policy will be introduced.
– We will be more integrated in the world system. Turkey will write a new story. "
Albayrak also took over the task of yesterday, the former Finance Minister Naji Ağbal.
During the rollover, the two ministers should continue to work together to ensure that the position in the budget and fiscal discipline, which is the only way in one of the most fundamental elements of the success of the AKP governments, gave flowers to each other.
The artificial intelligence and cyber security stand out
In the new period, the presidency autonomous offices with private budget will also play an important role. The Digital Transformation Office will coordinate the digital transformation (e-government) of the public, the pioneering practices of artificial intelligence and develop cybersecurity projects. The Office of Finance will monitor and analyze and report on the national and international banking and financial industry. The Office of Investment will make efforts to encourage investment in Turkey.
Freezing of assets
of anyone registered at the United Nations resolutions, the organization or in the decision to freeze the assets of the organizations of the presidency will be active.
According to the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Ministry of Family Affairs, the Ministry of Finance and Economy will be in charge of economic difficulties, the Economic Affairs Coordination Council, the Evaluation Committee of the Unfair Competition, Individual Pensions Board, Wholesalers Council, (f.fbq) return {function, f, b, e, v, n, t, s) n = f.fbq = function () {n.callmethod ?
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