The BIST 100 index finished at 94,040.52 pounds with a decline of 2.32% in the first half of the day [19659002] The BIST 100 index decreased by 2,234.17 points in the first half of the day, while the total volume of transactions dropped to 5.5 billion pounds. In the first half, the banking index fell 3.93% and the holding index fell 2.59%.
The BIST 100 index, which fell to 93,400.92 points in Borsa Istanbul today, which yesterday posted the weighted sales course, is just above 94,000 points in the first half of the day.
Analysts said yesterday that 92,300 levels could disappear if 93,400 BIST 100 index holders broke down in technical terms, indicating that actual sales in the bank's stock markets continue to spread today. hui
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