The pleasure of family holidays from Hande Ataizi


12.07.2018 – 04:26 | Update:

Hande Ataizi, who had been away for several months, died of Benjamin Harvey.
  The pleasure of a family holiday by Hande Ataizi


In the months that we passed through Benjamin Harvey, Hande Ataizi, a family vacation

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      The pleasure of a family holiday of Hande Ataizi



    According to Hakan Yagci of Haberturk, [19659000] 3
      Successful enjoyment of Hande Ataizi's family holiday


    Player managed to tan all day on the platform with his son Leon, his father Mehmet Ali Ataizi and his relatives in Gölköy.

    Even though he is 44 years old, he has to pay attention to his form and smooth body. 19659006]

    Ataizi, who was taken to rest after a short afternoon, did not neglect to say hello to the reporters who saw him.

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  • Hande Ataizi's Family Holiday

    Grandfather Mehmet Ali Ataizi made plentiful jokes in the water, taking away his grandchild. Leon's son on his shoulder. 7
      The pleasure of a family holiday by Hande Ataizi

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