DR. Acupuncture treatment will begin with Osman Okhan Özekin
Training in acupuncture, organized by the Faculty of Medicine of Gazi University, Dr. Osman Okhan Özekin will provide acupuncture services in Kumluca and in inhabitants of the region. Özekin said that acupuncture treatment will be done for the first time in Kumluca district. "I am very happy that the Kumluca State Hospital has been appointed and that I am going to serve the Kumluca people, and hope that the Kumluca estimates will also be satisfied."
Qu & # 39; is acupuncture?
Acupuncture; It is a complementary medicine that has 3,000 years of history in which the body is treated by acupuncture points that have the meanings of the aku (needle) and the puncture ( piercing) and with a punctual needle application in the ear.
In general, low back pain affect the treatment of groups of diseases causing the onset of non-congenital late onset, and known medical branches are ineffective, such as obesity, fatigue, knee pain, fibromyalgia, headache, depression.
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