The Ministry of Health requested a review by the Ministry of Health on the grounds that the nurses' scene in the "Reset" song clip that Mustafa Sandal had pronounced was "not appropriate".
The request to open an investigation for the relevant Klub stands was reported in the communiqué sent to the High Council for Radio and Television (RTÜK), which stated that the written declaration of the Ministry could lead to a "discussion" of the nurse. : "The official letter sent to RTÜK has drawn attention to the fact that the clothes, behaviors and behaviors of nurses' representations in the images on the clips are of a deep reputation and disrupt the profession and could lead to a false belief in health care workers
In the text of the petition, the Ministry of Health is actively using it to protect human dignity, general morality and health children and young people about negative content for health workers in the clip. (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? s,
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