Netanyahu: We have no problem with Assad


Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who met in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin, said that there were no problems with Syrian President Assad. After his visit, Netanyahu said his country did not want to intervene in Syria's internal affairs, saying that Iran, Hezbollah and DEAS were troubled by the presence in Syria, saying that it was not happening. There had been no attempts in this direction in the past. ] Referring to the previous day when the Israeli army hit three military targets of the regime after an unmanned air vehicle broke the airspace, Netanyahu stressed that his country would continue to protect its borders .

On the other hand, Netanyahu met with the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, saying: "Israel is not against the presence of the regime of Assad in Syria ". Israeli sources have argued that a secret deal had been reached between Russia and Israel over Syria.

class = "(19659004) Netanyahu: We have no problem with Assad ” class=”lazy ” data-inline-image=”true”/>

Syrian regime forces entered the city of Dera, where the first rebellion broke out in 2011, in the presence of Russian troops yesterday. Those of the region, the city of opponents for years, the city of Syrian flags overhanging them, the introduction of vehicles of the "victory" of President Besar Assad interpreted. The cranes serving the Dera regime's municipal council suffered a mast and a Syrian flag was hung in March 2011, right next to the massive protest that broke out and the wick of the fighting was fired. The regime's forces, backed by Russian troops, began heavily bombing the city of Dera near Jordan since last month. In Russia, some opposition groups had to surrender arms and withdraw from the region. It is estimated that about 2,000 people can not leave Dera on the grounds that they are not sure how the regime forces will act towards them.

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