<img src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODdhAQABAPAAAMLCwgAAACwAAAAAAQABAAACAkQBADs =" alt = "Adnan Oktar has already said the same claim
July 13, 2018 Friday 08:46 [19659002] <img src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODdhAQABAPAAAMLCwgAAACwAAAAAAQABAAACAkQBADs =" alt = "the bomb claimed. Özgül stated that Acun Ilıcalı was the former mentor of Adnan Oktar. Oktar had already said the same thing
Adnan Oktar Ceylan Özgül who had escaped from the world, unveiled the dark face of the organization with interviews of various TV channels and agencies. Adnan OKtar and a criminal organization had played a role in the beginning of the opera No. Ceylan Özgül asserted that Acun Ilıcalı was a former disciple of a social media account. Ceylan Özgül In a message posted by Twitter "I think it would be a mistake to interrupt the show on TV8." Acun Illıcalı will confirm my statement as an old disciple. "Ceylan Özgül's tweet provoked a social media bomb.
Adnan Oktar
Adnan Oktar Adnan Oktar said in a statement dated 30 December 2013 that Acun Ilıcalı was a person aged 15. Adnan Oktar said: "Acun was very lucky in his childhood, he was a joker bum, he was sitting in Bakırköy Zuhuratbaba , I was going to see them, he was very good, every time I played football, I did not speak correctly.My wife Seda was a nice lady of quality, her friend Esat Yontuç, she was a demanding friend and she is a friend, she is more relaxed than Esat Acun. "