Bekir Çoşkun: When there are thousands of claimants on their rights, only cat hunters? – Agenda


The Spokesperson Writer Bekir Coskun received a letter in the public opinion about the operation launched against Adnan Oktar and his group known as D & B. Adnan Hodja. In the summer, supporters of Oktar reported that he had already visited her: "Abuse of beliefs, black money, homeland abuse, child rape. .. while there are immunities against other sects …

"Adnan Hocan's followers" wanted an appointment because there was no of knowledge, my dear Nurettin Kurt (19659002)
Two beautiful young men, black team, diplomat trainee … Three young girls, each with a model, a place.


Interested in me:
Hodja, cathedrals, philosophy, religious orders, manikler, din, mini skirt …


In fact, this tour is not something contrary to the sects …
In this respect, the protocol takes its place at the table …
The health work is part of the system you call the order, after your departure from the parliamentary republic laïqu e-modern, which is conquered by the world,
I will say "I have science" but I have no knowledge except for the shroud that withstands the fire of Habbaba's hell Hoca

In this regard, the dirty paper of Hoca Efendi, that he squeezed into his mouth, as he had thrown in his pocket … General, if you brought Dirty socks, you watched the Chief of the General Staff.
The Turkish Army of the Great killed a sect, what more …
As a result, the sects

As for the catnip …
From abuse of faith, to black money, to the abuse of dormitories, to rape of children … While there are immunities of other cults claiming thousands of rights …
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