<img src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODdhAQABAPAAAMLCwgAAACwAAAAAAQABAAACAkQBADs =" alt = "Diabetes mellitus not taken [19659004] Ege Sante Medical Center Specialist in Internal Medicine Specialist Dr. "Diabetes is a metabolic disease that affects the mechanism of protein and fat, widespread in society and does not show symptoms long after lack of insulin and insulin resistance," said Hakan Demirel. "Diabetes is one of the major health problems because the cost of treating diabetes is both a burden to the patient and to the government."
Recalling that patients may have a long period of occult diabetes, Dr. Demirel said the drug may not show up even if it complains of these symptoms.In this type of patients, we need to get the patient through certain diagnostic steps that will Cilitate recognition of fasting blood glucose, satietal glucose, and load tests. To explain it more simply; we call what we call impaired fasting glucose a state of pre-diabetes. When we see values between 100 and 125 milligrams of fasting glucose in our patients, we can talk about impaired fasting glucose. At the other stage, we can diagnose more than 200 milligrams of diabetes in the oral glucose tolerance test if the patient's value is 125 milligrams or more in fasting glucose after the 8 hour absolute fast. "
Dr. Hakan Demirel, who said that lifestyle change is an important factor in the treatment process, said," The patient must be alert to lifestyle changes, regular exercise programs, protein, fats and calories.
Some people may have high diabetes potential
Risk for a diabetic person Demirel pointed out, "We use these phrases mostly because we see patients with insulin resistance, our obese patients, our patients diagnosed with pregnancy diabetes, those with a birth weight greater than 4 kg and those with a family history of diabetes
Specialist who draws attention to the results that diabetes can cause in progressive processes Hakan Demirel has reported Re: "Diabetes is a very important disease for both the patient and the patient, and it's not wrong to say that a large majority of these patients with kidney failure can be hemodialized in the future, but it is a very expensive treatment. there is a great advantage to visiting the specialist of the disease. "