Recommended Pogue in Barcelona – England Premier League 2017-2018 – Football


It has been alleged that the French football manager Mino Raiola joined the Barcelona authorities

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Paul Pogba, who drew attention with his performance in the form of the French in the World Cup, was put forward an important transfer request.

According to Mundo Deportivo, the world-famous manager of French star Mino Raiola met officials from Barcelona during his visit to Spain, telling him that Pogba, who was at the crossroads of Manchester United, wanted to continue his career in the Catalan club.

Pogba, 25, who was transferred from Juventus to Manchester United for 105 million euros, reportedly had problems with manager Jose Mourinho and wanted to leave the team.

Paul Pogba, who finished second in the Premier League last season, scored 27 goals for Manchester United and scored 6 goals, 10 assists.

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