Frameless screen design is offered to key phones


KDDI introduced the Infobar XV, the company's key phone line, the 15th anniversary of Infobar specially designed and supporting some Android applications.

Smartphones have been my life for over 10 years. Meanwhile, classic classical phones have been eliminated from the market. Some manufacturers like BlackBerry are trying to keep key phone technology alive, but it's not possible to say that these devices dominate the phone market.

KDDI, a Japan-based telecommunications company, has announced that a new version of its smartphone brand infobar, which will celebrate its 15 years on the market, will go on sale.


Alleged Bomb: Vivo, Next Month to Present a Phone with 10GB of RAM [Lire la suite] The Infowar xv will be on the market, incorporating the modern, frameless design of the smart phone into a classic, 19659006] Infobar xv has a WVGA resolution and a 3.1-inch LCD screen. With the 1500mAh battery, the device provides a very long life, which allows the MicroSD card to expand storage space up to 32GB. Infobar xv supports a limited number of Android apps. Although the device does not have access to the Play Store, popular messaging applications such as Line are integrated into the device

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