What are the 2018 admission requirements for military service? Military Service Award, age limit, last minute news!


The last minute news of military service, Citizens of the country question about the age limit for military service of the year 2018 tax and the conditions of application . Bedeni Military Service 2018 Age and Wage, What are the requirements for applying for military service ? I came to military service Bedelli I? The age of the solitary soldier and salary were they insured? The most frequently asked questions about the responses to the Bedelli Military … Peki, The latest news about the military service Bedelli and what is the information?

  According to the statement of the news correspondent Erdinç Özyılmaz, the requirements of military service, the last minute of military service, the age of military service, the price of military service 2018, the conditions of military service, there had hot developments about military service <strong> that millions of people are waiting for. According to the last allegation pronounced in the rear seats, the age of the soldier </strong> and <strong> was determined to be <strong>. In this information, the age of 26 and 20 thousand pounds were determined as criteria. However, it is expected that work will continue and that these figures could change. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also drew attention to the relevant issue of October and gave the message "It can be supported by a decree." <!-- Admatic inpage x Ad Code START --></p>
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<p>  	<strong>  What is the requirement of 2018 for military service? </strong></p>
<p>  	<strong>  The announcement of the Soldier's Award </strong> will continue to be our news. If one of the two options on which the government continues to work is accepted, the story will be oriented in that direction. If we expect it to be resolved in July, we expect the soldier <strong> to be resolved in the month of October when he is accepted as professional soldier. Grand National Assembly of Turkey (Parliament) <strong> military service </strong> it can carry over the holidays, according to the agenda, but on the other hand, played the second week of the value of the settlement July <strong> in the army </strong> s is curious to develop in July. Vice-Chairman AK Mehmet Muş noted that the issue of military service <strong> could be postponed according to the urgency of the public. </p>
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Last-minute explanations on the age limit and the remuneration for the price of military service were answered by the most frequently asked citizens. Now the answer to this question is a much awaited question;


AKP Vice-Chairman Bülent Turan commented on military service . There is only the OHAL in our agenda. The soldier of the award is worth watching. There is no regulation that the AKP has promised so far but who has not done so. There will be no arrangement of this kind in October.

When the latest infiltration information on the military billiards billions of people were waiting became clear, A Haber Muhababiri Erdinç Özyılmaz last-minute military service according to the information transferred, the army and the army in the study of age and the number of criteria for the determination of the last minute. " Millions of people who have reached the age of military service are watching the presidential house.Work on age and pay is in progress.According to the information we have 26 years and 20 thousand pounds of weight has been determined.However, it is worth saying that the work continues.Representative Recep Tayyip Erdogan had made reference to October, but he gave the message "This can be done with a decree of the The price criterion is important: about 6 million people are struggling with the military problem, and this number is increasing rapidly every year, and if the 25-year criterion is determined, 93% of the 6 million people will benefit from the price. If 15 000 books are determined, a turnover of 6 billion will be obtained.The work continues meticulously.


The criterion for the age of 26, 20 thousand pounds.

President Erdogan, who answered journalists' questions in the air after the NATO summit in Brussels, also explained the issue of military service

. The statements of President Erdogan on the body were as follows: They will make their preparations for the work of the Ministers of National Defense, "I hope we will take it after the elections." What will be covered, which age group will be included, how much will be paid, all these questions will be determined. I think that in the worst possible situation, we will be explained in the new legislative period. Maybe we can try to come out with the presidential decree.


Party leader AK Bülent Turan commented on his military service . Turan said the soldier is an approach they defend, saying, "The price of military service is what we want, an approach we want. In fact, we do not find the right of the soldier with the phrase "bedelli" as in years past. We say that young people have problems. We must take steps to solve them " gave the first good news to those who were waiting for the latest news of military service Bülent Turan's explanations are as follows:" The price of military service is what we want, an approach that we want.In fact, we do not find that the right soldier is right with the expression "bedelli" as in years past.We say that young people have We must take steps to solve them.More than 5 million soldiers speak of the young wait, it's a huge number.However, the staff required 300 thousand There are 5 million people against the demand of 300 000 a year.This is a big problem.We also want to take steps to solve this problem.But this is not the moment where we Let's do tomorrow.

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  The condition s of military service, the last minute of military service, the age of military service, the price of military service 2018, the conditions of military service, </h3>
<p>  	  <strong> Those who demand the price of military service </strong> are required to pay in cash. </p>
<p>  	  One of the predictions related to the question is that banks started working on mortgages </strong> Grand National Assembly of Turkey (Parliament) <strong> military service </strong> may postpone public holidays, according to the agenda. He is expected with great curiosity that we will be able to catch up in July when we arrive in mid-July. After July 15, the parliament will go on holiday until October 1, but the vice-president of the AK group Mehmet Muş said that the issue of military service <strong> could be postponed due to the urgency of public opinion. "The Assembly is not a building that moves automatically, so there is no opening in the future, and we can change the program of work with the suggestions of the group, which has been the case in the past, according to the urgency and necessity, the work histories of the Assembly may change. "</p>
<p>  	  Bekir Bozdag, Deputy Prime Minister and Government Spokesperson, <strong> Will Refer to Military Service </strong> "The subject is dealt with after the planting. </p>
<p>  	<strong>  What are the requirements of the 2018 request for the cost of military service? </strong> </p>
<p>  	  About 400 000 persons benefited from the possibility of military service <strong> first released in 1987 <strong> to date from the possibility of military service </strong> For citizens who have reached the age of military service but who have suffered for various reasons, they were first withdrawn from military service in 1987. 18 thousand 433 people have benefited from the possibility of military service. a military service the first year. While 35,000,111 persons benefited from military services returning from the agenda in 1992, the number of soldiers who had received military service was 1945, 72,290 in 1999, 69,073 in 2011 and the last in 1945, 203 thousand 824. </strong> was included in the application. Those who applied in 2011 and those who paid 30,000 TL and those who paid 30,000 TL were able to benefit those who were born in 1987 and before and who had the chance to pay 18,000 TL in 2014. </p>
<h3>  	  </h3>
<p>  	  <strong> </strong>  <strong> </strong>  <strong> What are the Conditions </strong><strong>  How to Do the Military Service of the Bedelli </strong> When the citizens of the Bedoli Military </strong> were followed with a great deal of money? interest, the questions are constantly studied. There are two <strong> important reference conditions </strong> in this regard. </strong> Legal Requirements </p>
<p>  	  1 – Duration of Employment <strong> The Law of Military Service </strong> for the Period </strong> The Law <br /> 2 – DAHTE (Soldiers Subject to Service Significance military currency) The first requirement <strong> </strong> that is to say quarterly removed <strong> military service </strong> laws can be explained as follows: residence within the Republic of Turkey may be temporarily withdrawn from the laws military service for men who have reached the age of 18 in. These laws are published periodically. <strong> they can benefit from military service </strong>. </p>
<p>  	  2. c & # 39; is; DAHTE (foreign soldiers subject to military service) condition is; The opening of the DAHTE is "those who are subject to military service in foreign currency". This means that if it is necessary in order to be able to benefit from the military value of every citizen of the Republic of Turkey has reached the age of 18, although the Republic of Turkey citizens work abroad during 3 years. <strong> </p>
<h3>  	  How much will it cost to go to military service </p>
<h3>  	  </h3>
<p>  	  The most recent death in our country in 2014 <strong> Bedelli Military Service </strong> first came to the # 39; agenda with a payment amount of 35,000 TL. </p>
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Who are able to do their military service ? residing within the borders of the Republic of Turkey, for men who are over 18 years of age provided by law published every three months military service is the service. This temporary military service "src =" http://image.cdn.iha.com.tr/Contents/pool_file/2018/29/44509_askerlik.jpg "style =" width: 550px; height: 303px; "/>

which lays down the conditions required when the applicable law comes into force may benefit from the service of .

  </strong> [19659000] </strong> </h3>
<p>  	  In order to shorten the current period of military service of any person in good health of 20 years and having the obligation of compulsory military service, <strong> The price is called the service </strong> The basic reason for the work is that you can do your military service on the condition that you provide the conditions and pay the required fees, in short you can be "exempted" from the soldier. </p>
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  What are the conditions of military service <strong> that can make a price? These are the following: has reached the age of 18, the men in the Republic of Turkey worked a mini mum of 3 years abroad despite being citizens of the country for 21 days with a cost of debt through the military "service" can be completed. This is simply called "genius" and its meaning is; "Soldiers who are subject to military service with foreign currency" form. According to the provisional article 46 of the military law number 1111 promulgated in 2011, any person who has reached the age of 29 years (30 years) and who has paid the corresponding tax (30 000 LT) is deemed to have do the military service. </p>
<h3>  	  What is the amount you have to pay for military service? </h3>
<p>  	  The required amount is 30 000 lire for the institution concerned and if requested, half of this amount, 15 000 TL, is paid in advance and the other [19659011WHERESHOULDMILMILITARYMILITARYSERVICEBEAPPLIED?</h3>
<p>  	  While applications are made in person to the branches of military service, those who are abroad must address the consulates personally. A document containing the amount to be paid to the applicant and the bank details to be paid is given. <strong> The person who wants to do military service </strong> goes to the bank with this document and makes the payment. A total of three copies of the receipt, the original of the payment made, will be sent to the applicant's military service.  </p>
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