Specialist in Thoracic Surgery Assoc. Dr. Özkan Demirhan, "The height of the diaphragm or diaphragm in patients with paralysis is the main symptom of shortness of breath is manifested by the antagonism.
July 17, 2018 Tuesday 5:58 PM
The most prominent feature of the diaphragm height, a rare condition in adults, is that the height of the diaphragm is small or the function is lost.
A rare case of diaphragm, which is a rare condition in adults, can cause complaints of shortness of breath and tachycardia during walking and exercise over time. The experts point out that the diagnosis is often made by chance and that the height of the diaphragm is a disease that must be treated absolutely. Ozkan Demirhan, "Diaphragm is the most important respiratory muscles of the abdominal cavity of the thoracic cavity to distinguish the name given to the large flat muscle structure.The height of the diaphragm (evantration) is the permanent elevation of all or part diaphragm muscle, where parts of the diaphragm are connected to the vein, and organ connections are intact.This is a rare disease in adults.The elevation of the diaphragm may occur after primary or acquired involvement This abnormality is usually seen in the left diaphragm, but it is characterized by a marked decrease in the density of muscle fibers in the diaphragm.On the other hand, even if the muscular function in the diaphragm is slightly weakened in case of stroke, the muscular density remains close to the normal limits.The diaphragmatic paralysis usually occurs nt because of phrenic nerve damage (nerve stimulation diaphragm). However, the elevation of the diaphragm often occurs as a pure degenerative muscular disease without any neurological damage. Although the causes of diaphragmatic elevation and diaphragmatic paralysis are different, they generally have the same radiological appearance and clinical conditions.
Referring to the indication of the cause of the diaphragm height, Demirhan said: "In patients with diaphragmatic heights or diaphragmatic paralysis, shortness of breath is the main symptom. In patients with diaphragmatic elevation or paralysis, function is diminished or lost due to diaphragm inactivity. Therefore, the harmfulness of the lung wall and chest can result in significant changes in breathing or respiratory failure. This is one of the factors that increase the feeling of shortness of breath. In some patients, a decrease in caloric oxygen, called hypoxemia, may also occur. The reflex hyperventilation that occurs to correct hypoxemia is caused by respiratory alkalosis if the normal air intake required to maintain the normal gas level above the normal level. In contrast to normal individuals, abdominal displacement of the abdominal organs to the chest in a supine position may result in further reduction of lung volumes, which may lead to advanced respiratory problems in some patients. Symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, stomach cramps, vomiting, belching, nausea, constipation and weight loss may occur in patients with high left hemidiaphragm. These complaints are usually exacerbated by job changes. In the examination of patients with moderate and severe evantration, the lower part of the rib cage can be depressed on the affected side, and fullness can be detected in the abdomen. Severe and progressive dyspnea in the supine or supine position is the most important factor in the diagnosis of diaphragm height.
Referring to the need to know the height of the diaphragm during the stage of diagnosis and methods of treatment, Assoc. Dr. Özkan Demirhan, "There are no complaints in most adult patients with diaphragmatic elevation or paralysis.The elevation of the diaphragm is usually detected accidentally on the chest X-ray." pathological, if it is present, is excluded with tomography.The ultrasound can be used to monitor the movements of the diaphragm.It is important to prove that the difficulty of breathing or orthopnea is due to the Therefore, an anamnesis and a rigorous physical examination should be performed to assess the duration and progression of dyspnea and orthopnea, and to rule out other potential causes of osteoporosis and paralysis. Respiratory distress (morbid obesity, lung disease, congestive heart failure, etc.) Other reasons should be ruled out While treatment was previously done with meth Open odes, diaphragm pleating techniques have been developed with transthoracic and transabdominal, minimally invasive methods. Once the diaphragm has returned to its normal position, the pressure in the lungs is raised and the exercise capacity is increased. Pili diaphragm (DPS) is used in quadriplegic patients with bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis, but it is out of position. "
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