With the tattoo, Adam, 32, who finally made his whole body look different, decided to take the last one, and toppled everything. Adam Curlykale finally bought the genital area because it did not fit the aesthetic taste.
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Adam Curlykale, 32 years old living in Kaliningrad, Russia, painted 90% of his body in black ink .
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Adam Curlykale, who had started making many tattoos to his body after being diagnosed with cancer, also had the problem of albinism,
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Adam Curlykale, who painted 90% of his body with a tattoo, decided that his penis had deteriorated his appearance and fell under the knife for extremely cold surgery.
Adam Curlykale, who received the penis, testicles and chest with his operation, also shared post-operative footage for his fans on social media . Adam Curlykale, who became famous in a program called Second Face in Poland published in Poland in 2017, began tattooing his body to remove cancerous spots from the body
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The immune system of Adam Curlykale's success was weakened and the skin began to look a lot paler.
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Adam, who was later diagnosed with albinism, began tattoos on his body and made himself tattooed as he saw the results.
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[19659000] Amber Luke, living in Australia, has been transformed into a completely different person with his tattoos and aesthetic operations that She did.
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She had her first tattoo at the age of 16. Luke's body now has 50 complete tattoos
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Luke, 23, who finds the old look too ordinary and boring, compared his tongue to the tongue of one snake,
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Luke, who claimed to have been overwhelmed by blindness because of this process, said:
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"The procedure Took only 40 minutes, but I was blind for almost 3 weeks.
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Luke says the next goal is to sharpen his teeth like vampire teeth, and he becomes an unrecognized after 40 operations, which he also inspires as a source of inspiration.
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32-year-old Adam Curlykale could not help but get a tattoo on his arm.
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Adam Curlykale did his first rs shots at the age of 20 years.
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At first glance, look at the "look at the man".
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Now, 32 years old and about 90% of his body are covered with tattoos. dyed "She said:
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The intact locations of Curlykale: armpits, palms and soles [18]
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Eva Tiamat Baphomet Medusa is a former 57-year-old banker.
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Medusa, a transsexual, surgically cut her ears and the nose to resemble a dragon
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Jellyfish, whose body is covered with a beard, is covered with beards, and the head of the head
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Jellyfish, which suffered from a penis during another operation, had no sexual organs Medusa said it's nice to scare people at the crocodile party, "Medusa, who spends 40 thousand pounds on these operations says," What's important is the fun personal and spirituality. I do not care how they see it.
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Eli Ink, who tries to translate his whole body permanently into politics, has repeatedly tattooed his body for it.
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The ink went up to paint his eyes with black ink to complete the change.
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This process prevented a large tunnel to the nose and lower lip. 49 / 102
Ink, who sees his body as a canvas and uses it to show the best image, took this step to resemble his intention in an abstract figure from Picasso's tablature: " I like the pure expression
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Ink did not feel uncomfortable with the negative reactions.
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Catt Gallinger has named a girl who wants to color the white part of her eye in Canada, injected into her eye [19659005] 54 / 102
Facing the risk of blindness
Catt Gallinger, 24, living in Ottawa, Canada, decided to change the color of the white parts of his eyes.
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Operated to Change Wealth
According to The Sun News,
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A Purple Liquid Was Injected
With this method called "modification sclera", a purple liquid was injected into the unfortunate's eyes.
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While trying to change the color of the eyes …
Catt Gallinger, indicating that the purple liquid in his eye begins to infiltrate, immediately went to l & # 39; hospital. Gallinger's antibiotic drop was swollen, closing in reaction.
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Trying to change the color of the eyes …
Doctors tried a different drug, but the pain and blur began to develop in Gallinger's eyes three weeks later
In addition, the purple liquid injected began to accumulate around the cornea
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While trying to change the color of the eyes …
[19659011] 61 / 102
If you want to change the color of the eyes …
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You want to change the color of the eyes. [19659000] 64 / 102
Did not listen to the warning, died two weeks after entering the sea
When a newly-built 31-year-old man The Daily Mail reports that the unnamed man lost his life when he did not obey the recommendation, although he was told that he should wait two weeks before entering the sea or the pool with the new tattoo
. Five days after getting tattooed on the thigh, the man who entered the sea in Mexico fired the next day. A red rash appeared around the tattoo of the man who started the tremor.
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Organs went bankrupt 24 hours after their arrival at the hospital
Experts say that because the liver is soaked in six cans of beer a day l & # 39, weak man said that the risk of contracting such an infection is high.
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A meat-eating bacterium loses 60% of patients
The Mexican who was treated with antibiotics would also have lost his 60's. I was in my slice. 24 hours after arriving at the hospital, his organs began to go bankrupt. The infection triggered septic shock.
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He wanted to remove his tattoo, he did not stay!
Pasuda Reaw, 21, living in Thailand, had a tattoo on her chest to make her more professional at work
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She wanted to erase her tattoo, but she did not have a tattoo. had no need to go to bed
The young woman wanted to erase it and wanted to try Rejuvi, a cheaper method because the laser was more expensive. ] 70 / 102
He wanted to remove his tattoo, but he did not let it go!
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He wanted to remove his tattoo, but he did not stay behind
Pasuda Reaw shared the tattooing process, which almost amounted to torture, and the photos of consequences of the social media account.
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Reaw wanted to remove his tattoo, but he did not stay in his head!
Reaw said that he could not sleep for a while because of the terrible pains that he had after screaming
Pasuda Reaw said that after 10 days the skin was gradually peeled, he said that the wounds had begun to heal by March 2.
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Reaw wants to remove his tattoo, but he did not leave
Reaw said the tattoo was completely out on March 7, and he said that there was a huge pink scar on his chest
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Reawu wanted to remove his tattoo, but he did not blame him!
Reawu wanted to remove his tattoo.
Reawu wanted to remove his tattoo.
"I do not recommend this treatment, it is a very painful and long process, and the scar left behind is terrible."
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He wanted to remove his tattoo, "I did not choose the laser because it was expensive, I would have liked to have it" , he said.
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Pasuda Reaw said that he wanted to see photos especially on social networks, to see the pain and scars that people have suffered
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She wanted to remove her tattoo, but she did not have a headache!
A terrible mark remained for the tattoo of the young woman.
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He wanted to erase his tattoo, he did not come to the head! [19659000] Here is what happened to the tattoo …
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He wanted to remove the tattoo, 19659003]
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He wanted to remove his tattoo but he did not have to leave!
Here is what happened to the tattoo …
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He wanted to erase his tattoo, but he did not come to the head!
That's the tattoo.
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He wanted to remove his tattoo, he did not have it in his head
Here is what happened to the tattoo …
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He wanted to remove his tattoo,
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He wanted to erase his tattoo, he did not go to his head!
This is what happened to the tattoo.
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He wanted to erase his tattoo, he was not going to his head
That's the tattoo.
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He wanted to undo his tattoo, he did not want to go to bed [19659000] Here is what happened to the tattoo …
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He wanted to remove the tattoo,
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He wanted to erase his tattoo, he did not have to leave his head!
That's the tattoo.
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He wanted to undo his tattoo, he did not want to have it.
Here is the tattoo
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He wanted to undo his tattoo, he wanted to remove his tattoo,
Here is what happened to the tattoo …