Last minute: 132 people were caught in dengue fever in Yemen


Yemen's Ministry of Public Health and Population announced that 132 people were diagnosed with dengue fever in Marib.

In the written statement of the Ministry of Marib, 132 people were diagnosed with dengue fever in the city and government and local agencies.

No information is available on the number of people with dengue diseases other than dengue in the city, which highlights the rapid spread of many diseases such as measles, cholera, diphtheria and dengue fever.

especially urgent interventions to prevent the spread of epidemics such as measles and dengue fever.

Frequent cases of dengue fever caused by viruses infected with mosquitoes, especially during June and September.

In the first six months of 2016, the World Health Organization reported that 42 people had died in the state of dengue fever in Yemen, while 17,796 people were sick ( f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? s, n)
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