Unbelievable! I want to operate a firm finger and …


July 20, 2018 9:51 pm

  Incredible incident!

Yalova's provincial health director, Oprah Büşra Nergiz (27), opposed to the fractured finger on her left foot, claimed to have operated her thumb with five turntables. Dr.

DHA – Bursa Nergiz, a resident of Istanbul, is in Yalova because of the pain she feels near her left foot when she comes to her family in Yalova, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Yalova State Hospital, what did he ask? Op. Dr. Ö Nergiz, who was examined by a doctor, felt pain in his x-ray. Nergiz, taken in amelia, was operated on his thumb next to his broken finger, and he was equipped with 5 platinum. Nergiz who realized the mistake made after the operation at the hospital, found a prosecutor's office about the doctor through the intermediary of his lawyer. Provincial Health Directorate, the doctor has initiated an administrative investigation. In the statement made today by the Directorate of Health, Opr. Dr. It was stated that the AP was released.

"The specialist doctor of orthopedics and trauma at the Yalova State Hospital with the disposition of the governor's office was removed from the point of view of the & [[[[[[[[[[[investigation"

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