Crypto money, which has become a new field that has upset the memories of the economic markets with the appreciation value earned in 2017, has been the dream of those who want to be rich quickly. As a result, the number of questions asked about crypto money has also increased.
What does crypto money mean?
This term, created by the combination of Crypto and currency, is coded money. There is no central organization where these funds are produced or audited, and money is generated on the internet.
How much and how it is produced
The mechanism that determines the amount of production of cryptographic money is consumer. These sums, which are produced according to the balance between supply and demand, are bought and sold digitally. Initially, production started in 2008, these prices are generated by software encryption algorithms.
How to Record Transactions
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The software that handles this currency is blockchain at the beginning of the software. This software, which stands for Block Chain, performs many basic operations such as producing, selling and operating crypto money.
Who can produce crypto money?
It can be said that everyone can produce crypto money on computer, but the so-called mining "mining" technique is very fast need to apply. The production mechanism of these funds is heavily owned by Chinese companies. The software in the hands of these companies is doing more and more quickly mining, which can not be done individually.
Where to store crypto money
The money stored in the Blockchain network can be controlled via personal digital wallets. Portfolio information is being written to the network called the public key. With software such as Exodus, you can manage your portfolios.
It is not possible to use crypto money like mine or bank note, if you want to keep your money reliably, you should keep your private key information, the share with anyone and secure your money.
How much money is there crypto?
There are new crypto coins almost every day.
class = # 19459003 Although encryption money has a robust firewall, it is anonymous
Is it legal or illegal?
Crypto money is banned by some countries and free for use in countries like the United States, China, and Japan.
How much is the value worth buying Crypto Money?
The value of crypto money can be subject to rapid changes depending on different factors. Currently, the value of Bitcoin / TL is about 32,000 TL.
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