Does boiling lemon really weaken the diet?


We dieticians are very accustomed to our customers or people around us often to us "a diet or such food / plant / herbal / product was very fast weight loss … what do you think?" would it work? "I've been in this business for 14 years since graduating from Hacettepe. I work mainly in the field of weight loss and I am happy to be able to reach the ideal weight of people, to see that the values โ€‹โ€‹of excess blood weight have been adjusted and I gave them healthy eating habits. Since the beginning of my professional life, I have met a group of people who are looking for diets that, miraculously and quickly, lose weight without thinking about their health or not. There is a group of people who break down the metabolism and play with health by trying out every popular diet.


I see news on the internet that says, "Give me 20 pounds in a month with a boiled lemon diet!" According to this statement 2-3 pieces of ginger, 5 lemons, 4-5 cloves were passed through the blender to the garlic and mixed with 2 liters of hot water. Then each morning you are drunk with up to 1 teaspoon of your hungry stomach and you lose 20 pounds without any diet! The solution of obesity has been found and we have more work for dieticians! ๐Ÿ™‚ I always wonder; who first invented it in the head, how it spread and convinced people that … Because we have been scientifically healthy for many years, try to Explain how losing weight can not be as effective.


Yes, the lemon is very healthy … rich in vitamin C. Scientific studies have also shown that vitamin C promotes the burning of fat. With this characteristic, we can say that not only lemongrass but also all the other nutrients rich in vitamin C support the burning of fat. But there is still not enough scientific evidence to say that lemon or vitamin C has an effect on weight loss. In addition, vitamin C is a vitamin sensitive to heat, light and expectation. In other words, when you come in contact with heat, the vitamin is lost and the effect is reduced. Foods containing vitamin C must be freshly chopped, chopped and uncooked. For this reason, boiling lemon will not consume any benefit for you. You drank hot water in the morning and you did not drink it. Hot water does not burn fat, I'm sorry but the lemon inside is useless.


The bright side of lemon is that it is tasty in salads and reduces the need for oil, salt. Drinking homemade lemonade instead of a sweet and high calorie drink is of course a much more accurate choice. If you have always been in your lemon life, taste our meals and drinks and protect your health. Take your place in the detox drinks and speed up your metabolism, but without boiling! No food or no cure is a miracle, as long as you do not feed enough and balanced, move unless you act!

If you want to lose weight, get professional help and be absolutely determined, determined and patient and practice what you are told. Keep in mind that most hectic pounds are water and that the pens will come back! It's up to you to stay away from the word "diet" throughout your life by making a healthy lifestyle!

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