Lieutenant Umut Ozkan, 22 years old, lived in the Ankara Gölbaşı neighborhood and lived in a street dog that was jumping abruptly as he was traveling to Tulumtaş on the Incek Bridge with his BBV boxcar. 648.
Özkan's look at the same direction Erdogan Ç. 06 GSU 41 vehicle plate in the hijacked management.
Umut Ozkan, who learned his military service as a second lieutenant, lost his life on the scene. In the crash driver Erdogan Ç. Ersin Erhan Y. in the same vehicle was injured.
Hope lost the life in the accident The news of Umut Ozkan suffering The district of Ayvalık, near the town of Altınova, lived near the law. Ibrahim in Ağrı A graduate of the computer science department of Chechnya University, he volunteered with his volunteers to learn about social projects such as clothes, shoes and educational materials for children. students from rural villages of Ağrı. (19659005)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callmethod?
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