What causes diarrhea, how is it treated?


A healthy diet and the intake of nutrients needed by the body can prevent diseases and improve the quality of life. Although you are trying to eat the foods you consider healthy, some of the foods you eat may set the stage for serious illnesses that can put your health at risk. Diarrhea is the main cause of these diseases. In severe cases of diarrhea, 13 to 14 liters of fluid loss may occur. Symptoms of diarrhea include the need to constantly lift the toilet, licking or breastfeeding, thirst, toilets, nausea, vomiting, fever, cramps in the abdominal area, gas complaints and fatigue. Poisonous cases of diarrhea, particularly because of the effects of the pathogenic virus in childhood, are also quite extensive. The indication for venomous diarrhea is usually observed in May and June. The symptoms are almost identical to those of normal diarrhea. However, it lasts from 3 to 8 days in babies and children. Toxic diarrhea is a severe form of diarrhea that can lead to kidney failure because it causes excessive fluid loss. Rapid weight loss is the most important indication

Diarrhea cause


1. Pain in the stomach
The pain in the stomach is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines caused by many viruses. It is a common ailment worldwide. It is usually transmitted by infected food or by contact with water and in close contact with people. One of the most common symptoms of intestinal flu is watery diarrhea. In order to prevent this disease, it is necessary to give importance to hand hygiene and to avoid contamination with contaminated water.

2. Food Poisoning
This is a situation that is usually caused by the depletion of toxic nutrients that have been damaged, which have sprouted the day and for a long time. The main symptoms of food poisoning are: nausea, vomiting, mild fever, weight loss, fatigue, headache and diarrhea.

3. Bacterial Intestinal Infection
This disease is caused by inflammation of the stomach and intestines. The most common statement is; nausea, vomiting, severe abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Due to poor hygiene conditions, this disease, which can easily be transmitted with animals, water or food containing toxic substances or bacteria, causes rapid weight loss.

4. Food Allergies
The immune system's reaction to abnormally consumed foods is a food allergy. Food allergy is a very common problem in our country. It is more common in children. In the United States, about one in thirteen children has food allergies. Food allergies can affect the gastrointestinal system or the respiratory or cardiovascular system. Many types of foods may be allergens, but some foods have an allergic reaction that triggers. The most common causes of allergies are; soy, wheat, fish, eggs, cow's milk and peanuts

5. Restless Bowel Syndrome
Restless Bowel Syndrome is a condition that does not cause structural bowel problems but disrupts functional quality of life and is manifested by increased bloating, abdominal pain, weakness, and diarrhea or constipation. . It ruins the quality of life of the quiche. Long-term diarrhea ranks first among the causes

6. Lactose Intolerance
Lactose intolerance results from the inability to break down a type of natural sugar called lactose. Lactose is commonly found in dairy products such as milk and yoghurt. If the small intestine allows a lactase enzyme to be produced in sufficient quantity to digest and disintegrate lactose, lactose becomes intolerant. In this case, the undigested lactose passes through the large intestine. Bacteria in the large intestine interact with undigested lactose and eventually cause symptoms such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea. This can also be called lactase deficiency.

7. Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease of the intestine. and a group of diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Ulcerative colitis usually occurs when the colon (also called the colon), the rectum, or both are inflamed. This inflammation causes small sores on the inner surface of the large intestine called ulcers. It usually begins in the rectum and spreads upwards. The entire column can be covered. The inflammation constantly moves the bowel and often causes the exit of the toilet. Ulcers form when the cells on the surface of the intestines are destroyed. Ulcers can cause bleeding and mucus from mucus and pus. Indication of ulcerative colitis

How diarrhea is treated


The methods of treating diarrhea vary according to the underlying cause of the problem. Therefore, firstly, the source of diarrhea must be determined and treatment methods should be planned accordingly. However, if you are wondering how to get rid of diarrhea like water or how to get rid of the symptoms of diarrhea, there are of course some methods of treating diarrhea.

If you have a source of bacterial or parasitic diarrhea, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics. Antibiotics are not effective against diarrhea caused by the virus. However, it is very effective against diarrhea caused by parasites and quickly stops diarrhea. Antibiotics are one of the main methods of treating the treatment of diarrhea in adults.

2. Increased fluid intake
During diarrhea, the body consumes a lot of fluid. This causes dehydration of the body, kidneys become sick and electrolyte imbalance. Your doctor will ask you first to increase your fluid intake to relieve diarrhea. Recovery of the amount of liquid and salt lost is very important for the effectiveness of the treatment. If the amount of fluid you lose is too much, your doctor will give you a boost of fluid via the artery.

3. Yogurt
Yogurt is an extremely important food source for intestinal health. The beneficial bacteria found in yogurt battles and destroys the harmful bacteria living in the intestines. In addition, probiotic yogurts are very good at preventing diarrhea because they improve bowel movements.

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