Funda Arar punished his wife Febyo Taşel


Arar, with his gold-colored dress and trick on the stage, saw that he had no more room on the seats and began to enjoy the concert with his words: "You have nothing, you have brought your seats, you are very beautiful tonight. "

When Funda Arar changed his phone number, he listened to the audience and laughed to the public. "My wife, Febyo, recorded my new number as" Funda Yeni ", she recorded it as" Ömrüm ", and moreover, I changed it to" Cezalı "," Arar, standing applauded by Nadya Taşel, the Pearl Valley to watch the concert. the function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callmethod?
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