Professor Dr. Explanations of Ziya Selçuk, Minister of National Education, Selçuk Şirin


Prof. Dr. Ziya Selçuk's new Minister of National Education, regardless of the ideological distinction in a wide range of excitement. So, what should change in the education system in Turkey? Professor What steps can Selçuk take to educate children who can really compete with their peers around the world? These are the questions from the New York University professor who received the Jacobs Foundation Award for the most prestigious awards in the world in the field of computerized social entrepreneurship, recognized for his work on education. and for coding children's learning last week. Dr. We spoke with Selçuk Şirin. He explained how the education system should change in 5 steps. Turkey occupy the agenda, so these discussions and briefly Imams of the program "These vacancies. He could feel the question for Turkey; but it does not make sense to the world we race, "says …

Ziya Selcuk IDEAL names of a MIGHT BY ACTION OF TURKISH EDUCATION, many reasons like YES full of hope "

How did you meet Ziya Selçuk National Education to be a minister? What kind of impact would be on education in Turkey?

I know coach Ziya Selçuk. He is one of the few people in the academic world who is very familiar with the theoretical and practical means of education and at all levels of education, from primary school to primary or secondary school. Another characteristic of Hodja is that he has a very optimistic personality. It is very possible that the group is working in an impossible endeavor. One of the names that can occur is therefore the ideal education of Turkey. I think that there are many reasons to hope

Well, did you Ziya Selcuk together opened a new page in the formation in Turkey

education, all over the world in a crisis? In the United States, Finland and South Korea, the source of the crisis is innovation. We have been teaching the same logic for two hundred years. The world we have prepared for children has changed; but our schools have not changed. Despite having a number in higher education around the world, there is a crisis in this area in America. In the world, there is a serious quest in all phases of education, starting from school. In these times of crisis, you find the opportunity to bridge the gap between you and the leading countries. In the 21st century, everything will be smart, talking to each other … Children with coding skills will make a new generation. So we need a lot of human power.

In fact, the extreme progress of technology has created a kind of equalization in education on the world.

Yes, new paradigms for the old paradigm collapse. Let's say we choose among the best players in the world to play football. One and one, "The football is over, we found a new sport and the name was" xyz ". Here the British, the Brazilians and the Turks are in the same place. Because everyone starts from scratch. We are here now. Zia Hodja, Turkey would have such an opportunity. Because we had stayed in the league of ancient education. It is not possible for us to memorize our children after this point and to compete with the world for information. We lost the race, let's face it. Our education system does not allow our children to learn skills.


What are the main problems of the education system in Turkey?

The main problem of our long-standing training "for what it is" our tartışmama. There is a very intense political and ideological polarization in all aspects of life in Turkey. Imam hatipler, education among vocational schools has disappeared. We lost twenty years in these discussions. 2018 until late 80s generations did not receive a good education in Turkey. The OECD, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education conducts a PISA survey every three years in Turkey. We were in the 30s on this list, then we arrived in the 40s; Turkey does not currently have one of the top 50 countries. This is not a practical test, a test that measures whether children aged 15 have the skills needed in the economy. If we had a crush, we would be first. Because we think that knowledge transfer is an education. That's our biggest mistake. We memorize the children, we put an experience on them, then we put them into practice again. All tests measure the same skills. There is no match for this fucking world. the exams we did in Turkey in a world where Google is no provision. So there is a serious difference between those who succeed in life and those who pass the exam. Not in the world. See PISA tests; Problem solving, creativity, it's three to five pieces of information to solve them together.

We do not give these skills to children in Turkey …

them so that you can give, you must acquire the critical thinking skills for children. In the new century, there is the economy, social work and education, innovation at the core of technology. Innovation is the first order objection. Creativity, "Does this cup have to be like that, I'm calling, it does not have to be that way." If you can not appeal to your kids, there will not be any. innovation.

What are the first five changes that you will recommend to Selçuk?

The first and the most important; make decisions and reforms with your permission. You must protect the decision-making mechanism based on spending in all areas of education. I got up in the morning, "Cancel the exam"; the next day, "Let's take the exam", the next day, I'll say, "Let's be like the vocational high school." Twenty million people play with your life. Remember, "Starting to read the book is 60 months," he said. So everyone has objected. When you have just completed 60 months of child cleanliness training, 60 60-month-olds are putting the same class together and putting a teacher on it, you will not learn from it. We did not listen. What happened? 60 months have begun, those who have not been punished. Six months after that, I said "66 months". Six months later, I said "72 months". By the way, you are playing with the life of a million kids since 1 million kids start up the skill level early on. If these decisions were made on a case-by-case basis, those results would not have been forthcoming. We must change our practice of reforming the stages of education. The second is the area where we can make a difference in education; preschool age 0-6 years. The first 36 months of 90% of the development of the human brain. I say 60; If you do not create a healthy and effective communication environment that is the brain food of children in this age 0-6 years of 60 months, you can not get results in high school, high school, college . That's what the economist James Heckman of the University of Chicago says. They gave him the Nobel Prize for economics. The cause of the Nobel Prize in the economy; a simple question. "I have 1 dollar in my pocket." "What return will I get if I invested a dollar in human development? Research shows that you get 7 lire for every 1 read you've deposited in preschool "I'm going to open a university with each one of them, and open a quality preschool in every neighborhood." The Third Coding We need to start coding from the beginning of the year. school, and mandatory programs in all areas of education.I went into first year, last year I joined this campaign, but they were later withdrawn.If we did not let's not win the alphabet of the new era, we can not reach the others. Fourth we must bring Adam-i decentralization of education in Turkey.I am Aldahan.The chemistry that we teach the child to muğla should not be the same with the chemistry that we teach to a child in Ardahan. The story we taught to the child in Muğla with the story we taught a child in Ardahan is not the same as that of the kittens, not necessarily the same thing

This is a very radical proposition. Is not this contrary to equal opportunities in education?

I am talking about trusting the creativity of this teacher and his ability to transform the curriculum there. A teacher reading list for the summer does not even prepare now.

If you start such an application to level the level of teachers in Turkey, is this time a drop in students because of the poor quality of teachers in some uninhabitable areas?

I mentioned, the system of teacher creativity mainstream According to the quality of teachers in Turkey, it is better than America. A new graduate teachers have worked in East Benefits in Turkey. There is a serious difference in quality between newly graduated teachers and twenty-year-old teachers. The new graduate teacher is much more open to the technological developments we are talking about. These new teachers are going to the East. I go to primary school in my village every year. The problem is that they do not last more than two years. The teachers there must give initiatives, incentives. We need to encourage teachers' ability to cultivate their own curriculum with local dynamics. Fifth come from poor families in Turkey, level of education or below the seventh year of his parents, reading a book, there is a group of children. Students who do not attend preschool, they are the most disadvantaged group. Turkey is the country with most of these students in the OECD countries. These are the groups that lowered our average. There is a group of 20 to 30%, which we can call "zero marks" in all tests. Therefore, if we want to increase Turkey's average, hopping when we take a step in two or three subgroups, we are already grabbing most of the OECD countries. The disadvantaged children I mentioned are Izmir, Istanbul, on the outskirts of Ankara.

Minister Ziya Selcuk made an announcement on the future understanding of education for these children, project schools, specially trained teachers, small classes. "None of our students will be surprised by any of us.At the end of the game the rules will never change, we will not say" we changed "in the middle of the game. this description?

is a great hope for the Minister Ziya Selcuk Turkey.Even the wisdom that I have put in place has me abstain.If the competition is fair, the Children are working in. People do not work in an environment where there is no fair competition and the rules are changed half way.Therefore, it's a move that needs to be done. support …

In the same speech, Prof. Selcuk "We will announce a program for about 3 years at the latest in two months. Our children who are starting to study will begin their professional lives in 2040. This is actually a preparation for the world of 2040, "he said …

I think the process of making reforms in Turkey up to the present day now has passed completely independent ideological conflict with the data. In the coming period if the 3 year plan and vision of the next and where Turkey would be fine if it moves with the data and the right answers to the questions we want to achieve. Countries making reforms in the world are making progress in the field of education. Countries that make conflicts of identity with ideologies are buried and disappear in themselves. Examples of Finland to South Korea are everywhere. Finland has recently made a similar move in education. It's our turn. Better late but better, get better …

Size "five agents of change in education" You said that it was not things that I posed relevant to what we talked recently in Turkey in the name of education. We in Turkey; "Should the exams be taken up or not?" Does the number of hatis imams increase or decrease? How should the program change? How should the vocational high schools be? You have said nothing of all that. Do these old paradigms and what kinds of arrangements should be made in these matters for you?

These are empty works of Paral Cuban! He could feel the question for Turkey; but there is no significance for the world with which we try to compete. There has been an increase in the number of enemies of imams. I work with Syrians in Turkey in five or six years. Urfa is one of the most imam preachers; but there is no Arabic-speaking child in Urfa who is an imam preacher. You can not teach the Arabic imam hatipte. Okay, imam preacher, but learn Arabic. problems; Imam hates not being able to acquire the skills put in the target. We had a pious uncle in our neighborhood. This uncle sent his child to Kars to read the Imam. When I came back to my field of study, I came to such a culture and such equipment that everyone looked at with envy. Because imams then hatiply, schools with the ability to create a special identity. one point also ignores the ideological debate in Turkey as follows: after being raised that imam preachers of imams of increase have stopped liselileş. They took away the schools that have the construction mechanism of the identity that I talked about. proliferated current imam Turkey, what happened? It was all high school. They have lost the ability to create a human being with the identity that I have described. I will explain it through a metaphor; When the Turks came to Istanbul, there was a culture here, and then the peasants came. We will be Istanbul and we have compared Istanbul to ourselves. This is what happened to the imam hatiplere. I do not know, did I understand?

You say, "The Imam did that the number of hats away from the goal."

Yes, we know that it has become a normal language. For example, the friend I mentioned did not smoke. He told us, "I went to Imam Hate, he does not smoke".

G-Our year is the year when we are going to live in Turkey

We can not build the identity with the CURRICULUM, ATATURK, NAZIM HİKMET, KUR- AN- I KERİM, throughout the program. The most discussed "Atatürk is taught to children late? Are the sections related to Atatürk reduced?" How did you find the program introduced last year? How do you view content discussions about Atatürk Selcuk Şirin?

The program is life. In the 1930s, in the 1940s, schools could have the ability to build their identity through the curriculum. In the Soviets, perhaps in the 1970s. In the world of 2018, you put Atatürk, Nâzım Hikmet, Qur'an, and there is no precaution. The child does not build his identity with the content that he gets from there. In these discussions, the content is too concentrated. Education is not a transfer of content. Purpose of education the curiosity of children, how to achieve knowledge of skills to win. Maybe it's art, maybe that's science; but it is not happy. I have never ventured into content discussions. We both know why it's an ideological debate. There is no future for who will win this debate.

The question of examinations was also discussed. A new arrangement was introduced in the transition to Lisey. Only a limited number of schools with 10 percent of tuition fees can pass the exam.

Without a selection system, you can not place 20 million kids at different levels in various schools. It's one of the rules of life. There will be some note. If you want to measure people by size, hair color, level of intelligence; but you have to do something. Because a million people apply. The number of Harvard students is seven or eight. We must find a mechanism. For example, how do we choose children at NYU? "Bring your wallet, what have you done up to now? What NGOs have you joined?" We are looking at the results of the SAT test. We measure children's problem-solving skills, their creativity and their ability to meet challenges. We collect all this, we make an evaluation. In Turkey, you have no chance to do it.


very expensive. Teachers and NGOs are not settled in Turkey. The University of New York has the largest number of employees in the registration office. Hundreds of people are looking at these files. We can not do that. This is not possible at this time. Therefore, Turkey needs a central system. There is also a balancing side. If there was not the central system, I would not talk to you today. I went to a regular place, went to a test, and went to 1 percent on this exam. This is not a coincidence. You enter a single penny, and three tries that Turkey can go to the university you want. The system in America is not like that; You must apply to every person in America. If you bring the American system here, you have avoided village children like me, poor children, going to the university.

Is it good or bad to test only 10% of my share in transit? this system progressed gradually, spreading 10 times, and it was determined by 10%, there would be no problem. It's a pain when you do not know how to choose schools in a year. The goal was to reduce or decrease the number of entries; 900,000 people have passed the test again. It was an application that removed the reason for tidying it up. The handicap in our way of doing reforms also took place there.


You have emphasized the importance of preschool education. In an article you said, "Even if you want to read a book at night, the child needs expertise." What do you think the mistake of the child by increasing the parents in Turkey

on the road I saw the following? a very luxurious vehicle, open to the public, giving the impression of a certain model family. They put the child on the front seat and he got up. It's horrible. An example of this is where we are. There is a part there is no problem; There is another part of the project that made their children. Everything revolves around your child. These children are also successful. Described, they succeed in the field where all the dreams that parents can not make their own dreams pass. Turkey has formed a group phenomenon in the case. There is a group of people who write to you as a recipe how to train your child. The education of children does not come to the prescription. I am a member of the Committee of the American Academy of Child Raising. My specialty is my first article on parenting. I am the one who knows best that the application does not overlap the book. He describes an average written there; A child Every child is separated. I tell you more to criticize the process in Turkey; "Temperament" is something like temperament. Every child is born with a miracle. Some children are annoyed and some are smiling; get to know your child and spend time with your child. You know what your child likes, what she likes and what she learns. This kid is leading the rest. I wrote an article called "Parenting Crisis". I am currently observed in Turkey; There is an educated group of the middle class.

There is a tendency to turn this project into a "child project" as a race horse, to enter this college, is not it?

Both ruin the child and ruin the parent-child relationship

Parental reflection, "My child is the best way to grow up" they try. So, what is normal?

You do not worry too much. The impact of parents on the development of the child is much less important than expected. I am sorry in restaurants, and I have two children. If he does not eat, he is hungry. How many days can she be hungry? Finally, the food.

You say "do not overdo it."

Yes, do not overdo it.


Last week was an entrance exam in both high school and university. The children of my friends did not win the ideal party that they wanted. What do you think of these parents and children?

Once I read my corner. Choose the profession you forgot time and space when you do it for the last time. Become a good nurse. In the past, an ordinary doctor was earning more than a good nurse; So everyone says "be a doctor" for your child. I say, this period is over. Now a good nurse in Istanbul earns ten times more money than an ordinary doctor. Choose the time and place where you forgot the work. Art and design are areas in which robots can not enter, so there will be a big challenge in the coming period. It is in this area that the families we are talking about do not value the most.

Selçuk Bey received the Jacobs Foundation Award, one of the most prestigious awards in the field of social entrepreneurship.


What is the significance of this price?

Thank you. The Jacobs Foundation is one of the largest foundations in Europe. There is the famous chocolate Jacobs Toblerone, they left all their assets in this favor. Foundation, "without solution" of the world called giving rewards to encourage entrepreneurial side of social science researchers looking for solutions to problems.

Why do they have you?

Muslim immigrants to the United States, because of the work I did on refugees in Norway Turkey, they chose me. For six years, refugees in Turkey and doing research on Syrian children; but there is no creative part of the research part. You ask questions, receive answers, publish. But I set up a start-up on the data we got from there.

Is not this a start-up that you gave Project Hope, "Hope Project"?

Yes. In the world there is no social service, corrupt sector and innovation. So the same thing is done today, if social services are provided in education, health, spiritual fields a hundred years ago. We collect children in schools and provide training, psychologists and social services. At present, there are 60 million refugees in the world. 30 million children and 30 million children have all been traumatized because they are fleeing the war. We do not need to find a school, find a psychologist or find a psychiatrist. So, there is a problem. The demands are very high, the human resources to provide this service are almost zero and there is no money. How this balance can be achieved is a problem that can not be solved. The Jacobs Foundation is looking for a solution. My remedy is; technology. Can we give children a variety of skills through digital video games online? Can we teach the two most important skills of the 20th century? Three, these children do not hope for the future; There is both depression and post-traumatic stress disorder due to trauma. Can we raise the level of hope of these children to end the cause? These are my questions. We made the first experience of this work on the New York University project, with the Urfa Municipality and Bahcesehir College, on Syrian refugee children. After a month, I taught English, Turkish and script writing while playing video games only with the children I talked to. It's a very cheap thing. On a laptop, the child plays two hours a day. There is a game called Mine Craft; We did it with Microsoft's contribution. It was the first time that such complete content could be obtained by playing games. That's why I'm so full of hope. With the financial support we receive from here and our current goal with our overseas network; reach 100,000 children in the next five years. It is not only Syria; I want to reach poor children in Turkey. We are looking for developers in Turkey. We had our first meeting with them this week. I hope we will show you how this project is completed and implemented.

How are you going to allow kids to access tech games? There are no tablets, no phone, no computer in the hands of 30 million refugees …

A tablet can reach a thousand children a day, two hours per day. A tablet costs 250-300 dollars, not expensive. including Turkey, the world's laptops have launched many countries. We are only talking about laptoos that can reach the internete. Old lap-tops that are stacked on one side need to be upgraded. There are foundations that do that.

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