The tension was also at the same level! – The leading portal of finance and economy in Turkey, the specialist of


23.07.2018 10:36

Last update: 23.07.2018 12:29

US Secretary of State Trump, the European Union and others refer to their own currencies.

US Secretary of State Donald Trump came to the Chinese Foreign Ministry after "China, the European Union and others manipulate their own currencies."

In a statement from the Ministry, "Yuan is put on the dry market, and China does not need to use competitive devaluation in its currency to support exports". The statement says.

It is also stated that the US trade threats will not work for China, we hope that the United States will continue to act in the intelligence band and solve problems on a reasonable basis. the expressions have been included.

US Secretary of State Donald Trump said Friday that he had noticed that the US Central Bank (Fed) had ruled

"China, the European Union and the United States. others manipulate their own currencies and lower interest rates as the dollar grows stronger day by day, raising US interest rates and losing their competitive edge. "

39 Fed monetary easing does not hurt ECMs Trump said: "Every eye we do is harmful and we have to let the US regain lost profits because of the manipulation of money and bad Trade. "Debt Rises and We Raise Interest."

US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said yesterday that he was watching if recent weakness had been manipulated.

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