July 23, 2018, Monday 2:14 pm
The week we left behind Fenerbahçe was found face to face with Feyenoord. The yellow-lacivertliler finished first half 3-0 before the match, scored three goals in the final three minutes of the match and scored with a score of 3-3. The coach of Fenerbahçe, Cuckold, said: "Our current plan is 4-3-3, and I believe in this system, I have made it clear that my belief is a system that can spread well, we can get correct positions and enjoy ourselves. " Sports commentator Rıdvan Dilmen, who evaluated Coke's explanation on NTV, said: "Fenerbahce must take 3 players playing with the 4-3-3 system, and this system has no place in Giuliano"
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