The capital of Greece surrounds the flame in Athens, led to the death of at least 74 people.
Today, Turkey has made a statement of Greek firefighters in the time of 17:30 walls, the death toll has indicated that before about 50 announced that of 74. [19659003]
With the latest figures, we have seen that there was a great catastrophe in Greece when 70 people died in 2007.
It began Monday
Wildfires that began after Monday afternoon spread by the influence of violent evening wind
Hundreds of firefighters and soldiers could not stop the flames that reached the settlements.
It was announced at 24 hours.
Nikos Economopoulos, president of the Greek Red Cross, said this morning on TV: "Unfortunately, we found 26 bodies in two houses."
Most of their lives are lost in the coastal town of Mati. Mati, 40 miles north of Athens, has been living in hell. Local sources report that villagers who are tired of their homes or cars burn alive.
More than 100 wounded.
Authorities ordered thousands of people to leave their homes and leave the area.
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Chipras interrupts the visit of Bosnia and Herzegovina because of the fire
While a state of emergency is decreed in the region of Attiki , including Athens, Greece requests the assistance of the European Union.
Aleksis Chipras said: "We will do everything in our power to control the fires," said in the first place France, Germany, Italy and Poland. It was then announced that decreed three days of mourning in the country.
Turkey is ready to help
Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavusoglu, Greek counterpart Koçias expressed their sorrow and condolences because of the fires in Greece by calling.
Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said: "Airplanes and helicopters are ready to intervene in Greece if necessary."
The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Bekir Pakdemirli, said: "I spoke to my correspondent. (F.fbq) return, n = f (n), where n is the number of days in the month, and n is the number of days in the month .fbq = function () {n.callmethod?
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