Additional Retreat Hiking – Calendar


July, was an increase for all retirees. All salaries have increased and the amount of the additional payment has increased. The additional payment, which takes place in the tax revenue, is applied at the rate of 5 wages for pensions of less than 18 lire and 4 for the months above. Each month, the accounts are paid in addition to the net salary.

For example, when the salary is increased, the amount of the additional payment is increased because it is calculated on the new monthly amount. His retirement 80 pounds (2,000 x 4%), which received a net salary of 2,000 lire in June, received an additional payment . Count Emeklin 2 thousand 80 pounds were admitted. If this person is a SSK retired, his salary increased to 183.40 lire (2,000 x 9.17%) this month 2 thousand 183 lire for 40 kuruş . The additional payment was also increased from 80 lire to 87.33 lire (2.183,40 x 4%) from the calculation of the new salary . This month 2 thousand 270 pounds spent 73 cents . In addition, the increase in the rate of additional payments is also on the agenda . Turkey Pensioners Association, rate 4-5 percent under current conditions remained low, indicating 8 percent wants to remove. If this demand is satisfied, the pension will be supplemented by by 8% of the salary. The amount of the additional payment will be doubled . At present, the lowest pension of the SSK and Bağ- is 4 000 892 lire and 19 cents . 195.69 pounds (4%) additional payment due, since the retiree rate [4] is 4%. If the rate rises to 8%, the supplementary salary of the pensioner will be raised to 195.69 lire 391.38 liraya . Currently, the lowest pension is available on the net 972.76 pounds . If the elite rate is 5 percent, 48.64 additional lire will be paid. thousand 21 pounds on behalf of the emperor invests 40 cents . If the rate goes up to 8% the additional payment 29,18 lire will pass to 77,82 will be issued to the read .

Some retirees are confused about the extra payment. The calculation is done taking into account the net salary of the money deposited in the accounts. However, in this money, the net salary and the additional payment are available. He was investing last month, he sleeps this month, he will sleep next month. This is only when the salary increases, the amount of the additional payment increases. You can see your net salary and the amount of the additional payment of the online administration system. If this is not possible, you can get this information by going to the nearest SGK.

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