In Pakistan, former cricket player Amran Khan leads the race, and his opponents say that he was "deceived"


According to preliminary results, the party of Imran Khan is ahead of the 272 constituencies of Pakistan


Movement, former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's party follows the Pakistan People's Party, led by the Pakistan Muslim League, and Bilal Bhutto, 29, whose former prime minister, Benazir Bhutto, first in 39 regions [19659004] The Pakistani Justice Movement is needed to secure a majority in the National Assembly.

Imran Khan's supporters already celebrate in the street

Sheriff: Hundreds of thousands of soldiers act against the law

On the other hand,, The head of the Muslim League of Pakistan and Nawaz Sharif's brother, Şahbaz Şerif,

Shahbaz Sharif alleged that hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the uprising acted against the law

The sheriff also announced that they would call for results.

Pakistan Imran Khan's Justice Movement and the Supreme Electoral Council,

Nawaz Sharif Was Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison

The Pakistan Muslim League asserted that security organizations and the courts helped the Justice Movement and the army did not accept the allegations that it interfered with the politics

Nawaz Sharif, who won the last elections in the country, was tried after the scandal that broke out in the Panama documents and was sentenced to 10 years in prison. 19659002] There are about 106 million registered voters

Pakistan, one of the most populous Muslim countries in the world with a population of about 200 million, is also a nuclear power

In 71 years of history in Pakistan, only a second civilian government expires

Source: BBC Turkish

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