The PKK / PYD-YPG, a terrorist organization to be withdrawn from Münbic and the western part of the Euphrates until the end of 2018 in accordance with the agreement with the States States, provides financial resources by selling its weapons on the black market. According to information obtained from reliable sources in Syria, the United States, which promises to withdraw its weapons
from the PKK territories occupied mainly by Syria and Munic, will send new weapons to terrorists. US armored vehicles, heavy weapons and ammunition loaded 200 convoy trucks composed of Iraq, the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) to help the border gate Semel in control made the transition to Syria .
will use AGAINST TURKEY [19659004DanslenorddelaSyriel'organisationterroristePKKvend5000TIRd'armesauxpartisansaumarchénoirL'organisationfournitdoncàlafoisdesressourcesfinancièresetpermetauxEtats-UnisderesterdanslarégionenvendantcesarmesquelesEtats-UnisontrestituéesetveulentrendreforcesGPJdelaTurquieetconformémentàl'accordconcluentrelesEtats-UnisdoitrevenirdeManbijjusqu'àlafinde2018etlesÉtats-Unisdetirerlesarmesouestdel'EuphrateLesachatsd'armesdesÉtats-Unisextradeuneorganisationterroristed'betweenTurkeyandtheRepublicofTurkeyforuseintheeventofapossibleoperation
The PYD became a "rebel" on the Asad side
Ethnic cleansing, massacres and occupations in northern Syria
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