2018 The results of LGS preferences are still eagerly awaited. The countdown for LGS preference results has begun. Here is the date determined by MEB …
The results of the placement are available at http://www.meb.gov.tr and https: / /eokul.meb.gov. tr
Students will be able to query the information on the result with the TC identification number and date of birth.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 20 / B of Law No. 2577 on Administrative Jurisdiction, the period of 10 days of litigation begins to run the day after the day on which the results are announced and the actions for annulment do not affect the time limit for appeal.
(a) Transfer preferences for placement will be in keeping with the Preference and Placement Schedule for secondary schools for four (4) semesters. Will be announced in August 2018, September 03, 2018 and September 08, 2018.
b) Students who can not settle in any of the schools that host students with exam and local placement and 9th graders year who handed the class in 2017-2018, province / district teaching S they apply to placement and transfer commissions, they will be placed in the board on 10-14 September 2018 for schools that have the appropriate quota status of schools that host students with local placement.
c) Following placement procedures, students enroll in schools
d) Student placement results will be announced on the website https://e-okul.meb.gov. tr and the information about the school will be found in the information about the results.
d) Students who will receive an education through the integration of students with a special education level having completed the primary education program, will be informed of the "Health Council Report". Persons with Disabilities "and" Assessment of Special Education ".
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