Dr. Medicana Samsun Hospital Specialist in Neurology Didemar had important clarifications on the hand shake. Hand tremors may be the first symptom of severe neurological diseases. Er, "the scientific name tremor is defined as an involuntary movement, rhythmic, oscillating from the joint, so that it can be seen not only in the hands, but also in the horns, especially in the The trembling of the hand, which can be manifested by a tremor in the hands, can also signify much more serious neurological problems, such as Parkinson's disease.Tremor is a movement involving a rhythmic contraction. involuntary muscles and muscle relaxation, such as stress, excessive consumption of tea and coffee, starvation, fatigue and sudden irritation can cause tremor to become noticeable. simple tremor, is often accompanied by many reasons, stress, fear, hyperthyroidism or hypocalcemia (decrease in the amount of calcium in the body) and certain drugs and stimulants. However, the typical symptom of Parkinson's disease and certain movement disorders are tremors that occur in the hands.
"Patients say that tremor usually increases under stress while disappearing into sleep"
Dr. Expert, who lists the factors underlying the tremor in the hands, in fact, .r, "Tremor This condition, which usually starts with both hands, is shown as the most common type of tremor and is considered the most common movement disorder in the world at a frequency of 350 to 100 pounds. it starts to shake in the other hand in about three years, even if it started only in one hand.The thrill becomes more pronounced in situations such as writing articles, conservation of Articles, the need for fine motor movements in everyday life.In fact, it seems that tremor accompanies the tremor of sound or tongue in the hands.Patients often say that the tremor He is under tension when he is often lost to sleep. Parkinson's tremor; This tremor, which is a characteristic symptom of pancreatic disease, usually starts with one hand. The risk of seeing after 6065 increases. The patient's head and index tremble together. This tremor, similar to enumeration, often appears during rest. Cerebellar tremor (associated with the cerebellum); the main cause of this tremor is vascular, tumor, degenerative or hereditary diseases affecting the brain. Patients say that tremor becomes apparent when they make voluntary movements such as pressing an elevator or an electric button in their daily life. Tremor of position; at rest or in a certain body position, this tremor that may occur with movement is not only limited by the hand, but can appear in different parts of the body. Physiological tremor; stress, fear, distress, hypoglycemia, hyperthyroidism, alcohol abuse and fever. The oscillation of the title is weak because the finger moves forward and backward. Dr. Er, who stated that after identifying the type, character, severity and distribution of titremenin, research could be planned and treated: "Arthroscopy, brain, spinal cord and system nervous."
system can be studied. The flicker analysis can be done by special methods made by electromyograph. Once the underlying cause is identified, medications and treatments are selected for this. The tremor may be temporary or permanent depending on the underlying cause. for example, "essential tremor" is usually a permanent tremor. Tremor associated with the side effects of goiter or medications may be transient, which may improve. In permanent hand tremors, treatment is regulated according to the severity of the tremor and its impact on life. The types of vigorous and life-threatening tremors are medications that are constantly used by the person. This is the only form that can be the least dose and the least side effect in the selection of drugs. In the treatment of hand tremor, the "beta-blocker", called heartbeat regulator, is mainly used in the treatment of drugs against epilepsy. Other neurological diseases that can shake hands; multiple sclerosis (MS), stroke, traumatic brain injury, cerebellum and brain damage. In addition, when the nerve fibers scattered in the body are damaged, there may be tremors in the hands of certain diseases of the spinal cord. Treatment options
Expert Dr. Didemer referring to the methods of treatment, said that "some drugs used in the treatment of psychiatric diseases, such as asthma drugs, amphetamines and some drugs used in Treatment of psychiatric illnesses can cause side effects: chills can be corrected by the dosage or discontinuation of use, while the direction of treatment for patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease is determined by The most common essential tremor treatment is to take drugs from different groups of medications.On the other hand, if the tremor is misplaced, it is important to inform the patient about the psychological support and Tremorda, which is caused by metabolic disorders, eliminates the problem and allows tremors to Methods can be applied in selected cases, "he concluded.
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