July 31, 2018 Current Gold Prices: What is the price of gold gram and a quarter of gold today?


Gold prices began to rise towards the sun. How much does a gram of gold and a quarter of gold today? the questions are searched. The decision of the Central Bank and the tension with the United States have pushed up the price of gold. What is the price of grams and quarters of gold, especially followed by the small investor? Gold gram today began with a purchase price of 192.07 TL with a selling price of 192.10 TL. Here are the prices of gold in the Grand Bazaar and the Free Market on July 31, Tuesday 2018 …

The golden sun began to rise. Gold prices are experiencing one of the fastest growing periods, especially for investors. Investors curiously examine the recent situation of rising gold prices in a fluctuating manner. What is the latest situation in terms of the price of gold gram, as our citizens who are interested in investing, accumulating and giving gifts to loved ones are curious? Here are the current grams of gold, gold, small gold and large gold as of July 30, 2018 Bazaar covered …


] 192.07 is bought to read, is sold at 192.10 lire


A quarter of gold is sold at 307.42 lire while it is sold at 314.44 lire.


Half of gold is bought at 612.92 and sold at 628.87 Liras

The gold of the Republic is bought at 1263.00 lire and sold at 1277.00 lire.

<img src = "https://i.sozcu.com.tr/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/iecrop/altin-fiyatlari-28-ocak_16_9_1521778836_16_9_1522476813-4_16_9_1529296335.jpg" alt = "Prices from gold are below June 18: How much are the prices of bg and bg below? 19659012] How many grams gOLD tRIMESTRE?

gold strain is expressed in a quarter of the l & # 39; 39, gold in Turkey corresponds to 1.75 grams and 22 setting.There are 1.6065 grams of 24ct gold under the quarter which is a quarter of the gold of the Republic, the price is calculated on it , then it is sold with labor and profit share.This part may vary depending on the year of purchase.

WHY GOLD IS VALID [19659004] In the formation of the traditional value of gold, it is not in the pure and pure state of nature that it is rarely found or obtained with difficulty, it can be Forged and shaped, that is, do not rust, blacken and ter In this respect, gold has been considered a very reliable measure of value throughout history. Other important features that distinguish gold from all of this are the fact that only a mixture of chloric acid and nitric acid (commonly called gold water) is easily treated and thinned because it's so soft, even though it's 19 times heavier than its volume of water.


This is an instrument of investment traded in international markets at the same time as that used for the production of Gold and investments. The factors that affect the price of gold are the factors that affect the supply and demand of gold.

1- Industrial demand for gold, especially jewelry

2- Gold mining costs of mining companies

3- Geopolitical conditions of countries with high supply and application for gold


6- Central Bank Buying and Selling Operations,

6- Central Bank Monetary Policies,

7- real interest,

8- Rate of inflation,


10- Gold producer hedge,

11- The amount of short and long positions on futures contracts on gold,

12- Speculative trading,

13- The value of the US dollar is the value in relation to other currencies.

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