ÖSYM opened the results of the YKS anticipated for the last half-candidates of several days. With the announcement of the results of the YKS, hundreds of thousands of students dreaming of a good university education began to search for information about their preference procedures. When will YKS preferences start?
The results of YKS are published on the ÖSYM website. The results of the three tests, the Basic Proficiency Test (TQM), the Field Qualification Test (AYT) and the Foreign Language Test (YDT), were open to university applicants. Candidates will go to the stage of preference based on the score obtained with the results of YKS. Preferences can be made via the preference guide in the date range published by OSYM.
In the examination of higher education institutions, candidates of candidates who have passed the examination of secondary education institutions, types of verbal, numerical and equal weight points , and 5 candidates on the table got 500 points.
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In the Basic Proficiency Test (TYT), candidates admitted to the Examination of Higher Education Institutions (YKS) [19659005WHENPREFERENCESWILLBEGIN?
Following the announcement of the results, the selection process will begin on August 7 and last on Tuesday, August 14. The selection process will be completed by the OSYM application procedure system. University applicants will benefit from the current guidelines published by OSYM throughout this process. The orientation information will only be available on the ÖSYM website.
Less than 150 points will not be preferred
Candidates who score less than 150 points on the TYT exam will be preferred he will not be able to participate. Candidates who score above 150 but do not pass the AYT and YDT exams may choose from Table 3 of the guide only.
According to the results of the SCN results, the number of points that will be calculated according to the test areas at which the candidates participate the scores will be used in the phase of preference. A candidate who obtains at least 150 TYT points may use other types of points to complete the selection process. These types of points can be listed as Y-SAY, Y-SÖZ, Y-EA, Y-DIL depending on the test in which the candidate from the university participated.
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In 2017, the Y-TYT score will be the comma type Fixed of the preferred period, YGS and LYS, who participate in the university exam, and who made a final choice, will have lower OBP coefficients at the exam they participate in this year.
In the OSYM selection guide, some programs place the placement according to the results of the candidates, while some programs require special conditions such as type of school, age, gender and health. At this point, although the conditions next to the program can not be met, the investments of those who choose may be invalid.
Candidates who have graduated from their school in the first place, with the points obtained at the YKS, it will be placed at the highest possible preferences. Students with sufficiently high scores in the first place of the constrained school will be able to benefit effectively. In the case
the quota for the school primary is not filled, the vacant quota will be transferred to the general quota.
The results of the examination of higher education institutions (YKS) were opened on the website of the Center for Selection and Placement of Students (ÖSYM). Candidates can access the results with "TC Identity Numbers" and "OSYM Candidate Passwords" on "sonuc.osym.gov.tr". It was decided to correct the correct answer, pronounced "C", in "D" for question 41 of the English test of the foreign language examination of the examination of institutions of Higher Education (2018-YKS YDT). The first session of YKS took place on July 30th and the second session took place on Sunday July 1st. The results of the YKS were announced in the first minute of Tuesday, July 31. the access of the candidates. Candidates who will conduct their university studies according to the preferences they have chosen will make their selection between August 7th and 14th. Candidates who are able to add the programs listed in Table 3 and Table 4 to their lists of preferences using the TQM and AYT scores that they receive in the YKS results will have to take the commitment to do it. Here, some information on the results of the YKS and the process of preferences The results of the examination of higher education institutions (YKS) carried out in three sessions were announced by OSYM. The results of the YKS project implemented for the first time this year have been viewed via the "Candidate Transactions" page. Candidates will not receive results documents. Candidates can see the results of TAT, AYT and FTS sessions with identification numbers and passwords. Academic preferences will be from August 7 to 14
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ÖSYM announced the results of the examination of higher education institutions (YKS). According to the announcement on the ÖSYM website, the evaluation procedures for 2018-YKS implemented on June 30 and July 1, 2018 have been completed. It was decided to correct the correct answer, which was declared "C", to "D" for question 41 of the English language test of the foreign language examination of the institutions' examination. 39, Higher Education (2018-YKS YDT)
In the proficiency test (TQM), the number of verbal, numerical and equal weight points was 500 points, while five points at the top were 500 points. According to the pre-assessment report for 2018-YKS results released by OSYM, 2 million 381 thousand 412 candidates who applied to TYT, 2 million 260 thousand 273 were considered valid.
– The number of correct and incorrect answers in the tests,
– The first session of the basic qualification test (TAT) and rank of Success,
– If the Field Suitability Test (AYT),
– High School Performance Score (OBP),
– Ranking Scores and Achievement Rankings.
As Table 1 indicates, 83.06% of the candidates who participated in the TAE were AYT, 4.85% entered the FTS sessions.
According to the guide "Programs and Higher Education Quotas 2018-YKS" published by ÖSYM, university candidates will be able to complete the selection process of the 7 to August 14th. Candidates will be able to make their choice on https://ais.osym.gov.tr with their identification number and their password. Apart from this, the preferences made to OSYM will not be accepted by any means such as mail, fax, e-mail. Once these processes are completed, candidates will be able to change their preferences during the same period of preference. The results of the placement will be announced via the address https://sonuc.osym.gov.tr. The first page of the ÖSYM does not specify when a preference will be announced.
150 for preliminaries and 180 for liscense
The first thing that candidates who learn intensive care outcomes should do is consider their grades and the type of school they will determine which of the associate or undergraduate programs may choose. Then they should write their codes, their names and the names of the universities and colleges they are affiliated with in order of preference, choosing the higher education programs that they want to enter, provided that they are only tables that they can choose from. Who will be able to choose the undergraduate degree, who can choose the undergraduate degree?
Associate degree programs will be able to show between 150 and over in 2018-TYT. In order to be able to choose among the undergraduate programs, it is necessary to get points of 180 and over on the AYT.
In accordance with the declarations of OSYM on https://ais.osym.gov.tr Candidates who have completed the selection process should clearly see the screen "2018- Your AHPS preferences have been reported to OSYM". After completing the notification process of preferences, it is possible to make changes from August 7th to 14th on https://ais.osym.gov.tr. No changes will be made after the end of the preference period.
YKS is a registered trademark of YKS, Inc. All rights reserved. it is not yet clear when the results of the placement will be announced. However, the university registration times for candidates who will be placed according to their preferences are included in the preliminary guide published by ÖSYM for information. According to the results of the YKS, candidates with the right to enroll in a program will be registered between 3 and 7 September. The electronic files will be made between September 3 and 5
YKS statistics announced –
According to the pre-evaluation report of results 2018-YKS published by OSYM, 2 million 381 thousand 412 admitted to TYT, 2 million 260 mile 273 "Your examination has been considered valid. Examination of 1 million 877 thousand 568 candidates of 2 million 19,000 564 candidates for the examination of field qualification (AYT) and examination of 109 thousand 423 candidates who have applied for the language examination foreign (YDT) were accepted as valid for 109 thousand 593.
Distribution of YKS points
Among the candidates entering the YKS, verbal weight, numeric and equal scoring points, and five candidates at the bottom showed 500 points of success. According to the scores obtained by multiplying the secondary score by 0.12 and adding it to the examination score, 18, orally 1, numerical 51, equal weight 3 and 7 out of 7 candidates were rated 550 or more in TYT.
"The Turkish average is 16,179 in 40 questions, the social sciences averaged 6,003 in 20 questions, the basic mathematics of 5,642 in 40 questions, the science of 20 questions Average of 2,828 ". The correct average answers of 1 million 877 000 568 applicants who enter the AYT and are accepted as valid are as follows: "Turkish language and literature is 4743 average in 24 questions, 1 average is 1617 in 10 questions, 2.271 is average in geography-1 6 questions, 2 average of 11 questions, 1465 average, geography-2 average of 2.856 in 11 questions, 2.017 in 12 questions in philosophy group test, average 2.098 in 6 questions in the culture test religious and ethics or additional philosophy group, average of 3,923 in 40 questions, an average of 1,109 in 13 questions, an average of 1,669 in 13 questions in biology. "
Averages of 2 to 778 candidates who participated in the Arabic language session, 11 to 727, the average of four thousand candidates to the French session of 29 to 992, the average of 101 & # 39; 39; 000 185 candidates who entered the session in English, 24-824, The average number of 410 candidates for the session in Russian was 31 009.
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Tags announced AYT date preferences RAC results Start TYT