Strategy borrowed by the Treasury – the number one portal of finance and the economy in Turkey.


The Treasury and the Ministry of Finance proclaimed the borrowing strategy for the Austos-October civilization in 2018.

The Treasury and the Ministry of Finance of Austria According to statements made at Austos domestic borrowing will rise to LT 10.8 billion against domestic debt service totaling TL 9.8 billion. In September, a total of 8.7 billion Turkish pounds of domestic debt against domestic debt service amounted to 7.9 billion Turkish lira and 3.5 billion Turkish lira for the domestic debt service, totaling 3.2 billion pounds in October.


According to the statement made by Azine, 6 Austos will reissue the bonus on Monday, June 12, 2019, with a maturity of 10 months (308 days). 7 Austos Sal day 14 June 2023 5-year fixed coupon bond (1,771) day, 28 June 2028 Fixed maturity bond of 10 years (3,612 days) will be re-exported.

3 Kadn value was identified as 8 Austos Çaramba

On 13 Austos Monday, 12 Italian bonds Austos 2020, 2 years (728 Day) will be launched for the first time

The 14 Austos Sal day will be exported for the first time on 2 July 2025 in Italian bonds maturing 7 years (2,513 days) and 2 maturities Austos 2028 and 10 years (3,640) for the first time.

5 bonds, excluding bonuses, will pay coupons every 6 months

The Treasury plans to issue a bond auction in September and October

17:43 96,450

Deiim : 0.30% | : : : 95,942
nceki Kapan : 96.158

In Dk

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