Good news from the bus companies to the citizen! – New


After individual discounts on gasoline and diesel prices last month, bus drivers have learned good news. Approximately 300 bus companies from Kamil Koç to the metro, from Pamukkale Tourism to Istanbul Travel, will be able to reduce ticket prices by 10 to 15%.


Busman Federation President (TOF), Mustafa Yildirim, said lower prices for gasoline and diesel resulted in a 5% reduction on the essence of a warehouse. Lightning, "These cuts do not reduce our costs to support the fight against inflation, we decided to reduce by 10 to 15%," he said. A 300-liter bus shop before the discount is filled up to 1,800 TL Lightning, it's now a 100-pound rebate, said the refill.


Lightning pointed out that they communicated ticket prices to the Ministry of Transport every six months.

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