The food giant operating in Bursa survived the bankruptcy! – Bursa News – News from the region


Frigo Pak, operating in Bursa İnegöl, entered a financial crisis two years ago. The company, faced with foreclosures, wanted to postpone its bankruptcy. The company had two prospects in advance, which lasted more than two years: the court would decide to go bankrupt or announce the release of the company. After 14 hearings, the decision was made yesterday. The court noted that the company ran out of debt and withdrew the mandated directors. Thus, the company that was on the brink of bankruptcy was also released.


Food products FRİGO-Pak San. And Tic. Inc. It has been running for almost 40 years. Production Center of the company Bursa Inegol Characteristics. The company exports a significant portion of its production of fruit juice, canned goods and frozen products. The majority shareholder of the company also belongs to its founders Ali Haydar Güçlü and Doysan Tarım Ürünleri. The company, which owns 45% of the public sector, went into crisis two years ago.


The company filed a bankruptcy complaint two years ago. The next destiny of society, the court will decide the decision. İstanbul Anatolia 8th Asliye Tic. 14 hearings were held at the trial in court.


The last hearing of the case was seen yesterday. The court hearing yesterday, Pak fridge decided to make a critical decision. The court ruled that the company was out of the wreck and decided that the bankruptcy and precautionary measures applied to the company had been abolished because the bankruptcy had not been postponed.

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