Dolandrclk searched for 19 sutans, as false in the document, and "a woman with a thousand faces" prisoner of Lakapl prison.
According to information from the AA correspondent, Ankara Asayi and Picklock Pickpocketing Dolandrclk Bro Amirlii, Ankara, Anakkale, Afyonkarahisar and Kocaeli and 19 fires in a private document, such as the falsification of the fugitive prisoner of the prison, "Thousand smiley" Lakapl Seher G (50). talk start to start to get started to get started
The teams, two months after Seher G's technical and physical follow-up hidden in Mamak's address, the promise of a wedding and the public with the promise of savb cbbes added the image of the people found.
The teams, who organized the operation at the designated address, captured Seher G, who was married and bragged to 3 people.
The srd of the offense has been specified.
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