Patient with a small leukemia


Yağmur Demir, a 5-year-old with leukemia in Hatay, started a bone marrow transplant campaign to find the right donor. Ramazan Demir Baba, "Turkey is not finished for my daughter alone, let us help all children to leukemia patients waiting for bone marrow transplant," he made the call.

A 5-year-old patient with leukemia in Hatay, Demir is expecting support from his family of bone marrow patients.

Citizens express their interest in the sea campaign announced by English professor Ramazan Demir, an English teacher and his father, who is trying to find a suitable buttonhole for his girl hospitalized in a private hospital in Adana.

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In order to donate blood and stem cells to a large number of people from the center of Antakya Governor, the Turkish Red Crescent came to support family support, hopes the Iron family.

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Ramazan Demir, his daughter was diagnosed with leukemia two and a half years ago and started receiving treatment, he said.

Father Demir said that the treatment was good at first and that he had reached the stage of healing.

Acı He was cured during his last month of treatment. But we learned that his illness has recurred. I need a bone marrow transplant now. We launched a campaign for that. My daughter is 5 years old and is cared for in a private hospital in Adana. Turkey is not only for my daughter everywhere, we will help all children to leukemia patients waiting for bone marrow transplant. Thanks to this campaign, I hope we can not only help our daughter, but also other children.

Father Demir recalled the creation of the National Bone Marrow Bank and invited all citizens to become a donor.


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