Save lives, but 90% of people do not consume enough food – Health


James Gallagher

Would you care if I had the food to help you live longer? Naturally, these foods reduce heart disease and diseases such as type 2 diabetes. It also reduces your weight, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

In addition, these foods can be found both inexpensive and easily in supermarkets.

Qu & # 39; is it?

Life. This is not the most attractive thing in the world, but many researches have looked at how much fiber we need to eat, and this has proven to be a huge benefit.

Boz According to the findings, it's a distracting situation and people should be doing something about it, said researcher Professor John Cummings at the BBC.

The fibers are perfect for constipation, but much more for health.

How much life do we need?

In New Zealand, researchers at Otaga University and the University of Dundee state that people should consume at least 25 grams of fiber a day. However, the amount required to improve health exceeds 30 grams.

Is that all?

The average weight of a banana is about 120 grams. But not all fruits are fibers. When natural sugar, water and other nutrients are removed, only 3 grams of fiber remain.

Most people in the world consume less than 20 grams of fiber a day.

In England alone, one in 10 adults consume 30 grams of fiber a day.


The daily consumption of fibers of women is 17 grams and that of men 21 grams.

Which foods have fiber?

It is found in fiber, vegetables and fruits, some cereals, bread and wholegrain pasta, beans, lentils, chickpeas, nuts and seeds.

What is 30 grams?

Elaine Rush, a professor at the Auckland University of Technology, illustrates a menu that consumes 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day.

  • Half a cup of oat flakes-9 grams of fiber
  • Thick slice of brown bread – 2 grams of fiber
  • One cup of cooked lentils – 4 grams of fiber
  • A boiled potato – 2 grams of fiber
  • Half cup of chard – 1 gram of fiber
  • A carrot – 3 grams of fiber
  • A shell apple – 4 grams of fiber

According to Professor Rush, it is not easy to quickly increase the fiber. Professor Cummings agrees, "It's a huge change for people, it's a difficult change."

Are there quick and easy tips?

The National Health Service of the United Kingdom makes the following recommendations:

  • Cook with potatoes
  • Multigrain bread, pasta and brown rice consume
  • Choose a lot of breakfast fiber, like oats
  • Chickpea salad, beans, lentils
  • Snacks and nuts for dessert or eating fresh fruit
  • Consume at least five positions of fruits and vegetables each day
The human body

What are the advantages?

Results from 185 searches and 58 clinical trials were published in the Lancet medical journal.

The study found that if 1000 people switched from a low-fiber diet (under 15 grams) to a high-fiber diet (from 25 to 29 grams of fiber), this would prevent 13 deaths and six illnesses heart.

Participants were examined between 10 and 20 years old.

It was observed that those who consumed high-fiber foods were less likely to contract diseases such as type 2 diabetes and intestinal cancer, and were healthier in terms of weight, blood pressure and cholestorel.

Fiber bodyt What is he doing

Some thought that the fiber was not very useful and that the human body could not digest it.

However, the fiber gives us a feeling of saturation and affects the digestion of fat in the small intestine. In the large intestine, where millions of bacteria are housed, the fibers become the food of these bacteria.

Bacteria create chemicals by fermenting the fibers.

These include short-chain fatty acids with effects on the whole body.

Professor We have an organ to digest fiber, but many people do not use it, "says Cummings.

Why is it on the agenda now?

The fact that fiber, grains, vegetables and fruits are healthy is not a surprise. However, it is worrying that people are turning to low carb foods.

"We need to take this research seriously," said Professor Nita Forouhi of the University of Cambridge. "Low carb diets that are popular in the community mean that fiber nutrients are not taken into account.

This research was conducted as part of the official guideline prepared by the World Health Organization to determine how much fiber people should consume.

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